• Hello Kitty动画电影将于2019年上映

    15-07-12 Hello Kitty will appear in an animated feature set for release in 2019, according to an article by Deadline. The white Japanese bobtail cat with a red bow and six symmetrical whiskers will star in the film project with an estimated budget of $160 mi...

  • 男孩女孩阅读习惯各不相同

    15-05-30 Girls have more firmly embraced digital literacy and formats such as Facebook, email and text message, while boys are more comfortable with traditional printed media such as comics, manuals and newspapers, according to a study published by the Natio...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 37

    15-05-20 And therewith I pierce the next hedge; this one was thicker than the first: the further I progressed, the stouter they became. The hole was made, however, but there was firm ground beyond... nothing more betrayed the same horrors I had just encounte...

  • dadbod 老爸身材

    15-05-13 Dadbod (dad+body)is used to refer to a male physique characterized by a slight flabbiness, undefined musculature, and a noticeable beer belly. It can also refer to a man who has such a physique. 老爸身材用来形容那种肌肉有点松弛、没型、啤酒肚明显的...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 28

    15-04-02 Failure to rise in the morning at the prescribed hour, thirty strokes with the whip (for it is almost always with whipping we are punished; it were perfectly to be expected that an episode in these libertines' pleasures would have become their prefe...

  • 奥巴马讲话 让女孩去上学

    15-03-13 Hi, everybody. Sunday is International Women's Day-a day to celebrate remarkable women and girls worldwide, and to re-dedicate ourselves to defending the fundamental rights and dignity of all people. That's why, this week, Michelle and I launched a...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 17

    15-03-03 As soon as I was fit to take a little air, my first concern was to find in the town some girl sufficiently adroit and intelligent to go to the Marquise's chateau and find out what had taken place there since my departure. This apparently very danger...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 2

    15-01-09 Juliette, employing other resources, then said to her sister, that with the age and the figure they both of them had, they could not die of hunger she cited the example of one of their neighbors' daughters who, having escaped from her father's house...

  • girls of prey 肉食女

    14-11-06 Girls of prey are women who chase boys all the time, expressing their affection for them once they have the target. 肉食女就是那些主动追求男性的女性。一旦看见中意的男性,就会如饿虎扑食一样主动表达爱意,且完全不顾旁观者的诧异目光。 As the opposite of...

  • American Tragedy 美国悲剧 chapter 19

    14-09-11 For the major portion of the return trip to Kansas City, there was nothing to mar the very agreeable illusion underwhich Clyde rested. He sat beside Hortense, who leaned her head against his shoulder. And although Sparser,who had waited for the othe...