• 世界1/10的女孩曾遭性侵

    14-09-05 About 120 million girls around the world - slightly more than one in 10 - have been raped or sexually assaulted by the age of 20, a UN report says. 一份联合国报告显示,世界上大约有1.2亿的女孩略微超过十分之一在20岁前曾被强奸或性侵。 The children's ag...

  • 美国百岁老奶奶每天制作一条新裙子捐给非洲

    14-08-29 美国爱荷华州的莉莉安韦伯老奶奶已经将近100岁了,但年纪没有成为她帮助他人的绊脚石。她每天都在不停的缝制裙子,让那些需要的孩子们有衣服穿。从2011年起她开始做这件事,目前已经完成了超过840件裙子。她的目标是1000件。她每天早上开始制作一条新裙子,中午休息一...

  • 竞技运动有助女孩建立信心加强恢复力

    14-06-13 Girls should take part in competitive sport to build confidence and resilience, the leader of a group of girls' schools will argue this week. 一位女校组织领导表示,竞技运动有助于女孩们建立信心和加强恢复力。他们将于本周将就此话题展开讨论。 Helen Fras...

  • 第一夫人表达母亲节祝福

    14-05-16 Hello everyone, I'm Michelle Obama, and on this Mother's Day weekend, I want to take a moment to honor all the mothers out there and wish you a Happy Mother's Day.I also want to speak to you about an issue of great significance to me as a First Lady...

  • 女生所有学科的成绩都比男生要好

    14-04-30 Despite the stereotype(老套) that boys do better in math and science, girls have made higher grades than boys throughout their school years for nearly a century, according to a new analysis published by the American Psychological Association. Alth...

  • 感情问题对少女的精神健康有严重影响

    14-04-27 A new study surprised researchers, finding that for adolescent girls, romantic relationship problems can have serious, negative implications for their mental health. 一项新的研究震惊了研究者。研究发现对青春期的少女来说,感情问题对她们的精神健康会产...

  • shress 上衣裙

    14-02-25 Shress is an article of clothing that is a mix between a shirt and a dress. Best described as those frilly tops that girls wear over jeans or tights and often wear boots along with them. 上衣裙是介于裙子和上衣之间的一种服装。这种上衣裙是女孩穿在牛仔...

  • 踢足球的中学女生易患脑震荡

    14-01-22 Concussions(震荡,冲撞) are common among middle-school girls who play soccer, and most continue to play with symptoms, according to a study by John W. O' Kane, M.D., of the University of Washington Sports Medicine Clinic, Seattle, and colleagues....

  • cheerleader effect 啦啦队效应

    14-01-16 When you see a group of girls or guys and they look hot, but when you see each person individually they are NOT. This is called cheerleader effec t. 当你看见女孩或男孩成群结对在一起时,觉得他们看起来都很辣,但单个来看的话,就没那么迷人了。这就叫作啦...

  • Jack And Jill - Chapter 12

    14-01-09 The Twenty-Second Of February Of course, the young ladies and gentlemen had a ball on the evening of that day, but the boys and girls were full of excitement about their Scenes from the Life of Washington and other brilliant tableaux(舞台造型) , a...