• 调查:20%的人认为周围潜伏着外星人

    10-04-17 Aliens exist and they live in our midst disguised as humans -- at least, that's what 20 percent of people polled in a global survey believe. 外星人不仅存在,而且假扮成人类生活在我们中间至少有20%的人这么认为。 Wearing a hat shaped like a alien space...

  • 埃及举行“遗失财产”召回会议

    10-04-07 Global culture officials are to meet to discuss how to recover ancient treasures which they say have been stolen and displayed overseas. 全球文化官员将齐聚埃及首都开罗商讨如何追回被偷盗、在海外被展览的古文化财产。 The US recently returned a 3,000-ye...

  • 商业捕渔误杀大约数百万只海龟

    10-04-07 The number of sea turtles inadvertently(非故意地) snared(捕捉,诱惑) by commercial fishing gear(钓鱼用具,打捞装置) over the past 20 years may reach into the millions, according to the first peer-reviewed study to compile sea turtle bycatch(...

  • Facebook“原创者”宣告继续依法维权

    10-04-02 The two Americans who were awarded millions of dollars after claiming they had come up with the idea for Facebook say their legal battle isn't over. 两位美国人因宣称自己提出了建立Facebook的想法而获数百万美元奖励,日前他们宣称他们的维权行动尚未结束。...

  • 全球调查:四分之一的人认为女人应该待在家里

    10-03-13 Women head governments, run companies and comprise about half the world's workforce, but a global poll shows that one in four people, most of them young, believe a woman's place is in the home. 尽管女性执政、从商,且构成全世界约一半的劳动力,但一项...

  • 全球变暖情况下 区域性气候的变化模式

    10-03-01 Climate models project that the global average temperature will rise about 1C by the middle of the century, if we continue with business as usual and emit greenhouse gases(温室气体) as we have been. The global average, though, does not tell us any...

  • 温总理成2010全球最受关注领袖

    10-01-23 从事国际政治危机分析的美国智库欧亚集团20日评选了2010年最值得关注的全球十大领导人,中国国务院总理温家宝排名第一,紧随其后的是美国总统奥巴马。该组织指出,温家宝总理是带领中国走过经济危机最艰难时期的领导人,现在他面临着同样艰巨的任务:从刺激经济转向控...

  • 英一半民众认为气候变化非人为所致

    09-12-12 Almost half of Britons do not believe human behaviour is the main cause of global warming, a new poll showed Sunday, a day before world leaders begin crunch climate talks in Copenhagen. 上周日公布的一项最新民意调查显示,近一半的英国人认为人类行为并...

  • 研究:减少碳排放有助健康长寿

    09-12-12 Cutting global warming pollution would not only make the planet healthier, it would make people healthier too, new research suggests. 最新研究表明,减少温室气体排放不仅能改善地球环境,还可以改善人们的健康。 Members of Greenpeace unfurl a banner in t...

  • 欧盟会议竭力达成气候援助誓言

    09-12-11 EU leaders have so far failed to agree how much aid the bloc will give to developing nations to tackle the effects of global warming. 欧盟领导人到目前为止没有就对发展中国家提供多少援助以帮助其解决全球变暖问题达成一致协议。 Swedish PM Fredrik Reinfel...