• 奥朗德宣布内阁减薪30%

    12-05-26 French leader Francois Hollande's new Socialist government got down to work on Thursday with the first order of business a symbolic 30 percent pay cut for the president and ministers. 法国新任总统弗朗索瓦-奥朗德带领社会党政府本周四正式履新,首项政策...

  • 新西兰将对烟草征重税

    12-05-26 新西兰政府日前宣布,未来四年内烟草税将提高40%;到2016年,平均每包烟的价格将达到20新西兰元(约合人民币95元)。新西兰政府官员表示,希望通过增税和新的限制措施能够让新西兰人逐步放弃吸烟习惯,并能在2025年实现全国无烟。 There are smoke-free bars, smoke-f...

  • 法国总理马克·埃罗组建新政府

    12-05-17 France's new Socialist Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault has named his government, a day after Francois Hollande was inaugurated as president. 弗朗索瓦奥朗宣誓就职法国总统一天过后,新社会党总理让-马克埃罗组建了新政府。 Mr Ayrault (right) shook hands...

  • 希腊总统将组建临时政府

    12-05-16 Greek President Karolos Papoulias is due to meet party leaders to set up a caretaker government ahead of fresh elections expected next month. 希腊下个月大选举行之前,总统卡罗洛斯帕普利亚斯将会见政党首脑建立临时政府。 A final round of talks to secure...

  • scattered resistance 零星抵抗

    12-05-03 Libyan government tanks and snipers put up scattered resistance but there was little sign that the rebel offensive was meeting any coordinated opposition. 利比亚政府军的坦克和狙击兵进行了零星的抵抗,但是没有迹象表明反对派力量遇到了任何有组织的抵抗。...

  • riots 骚乱

    12-04-23 Prime Minister David Cameron blamed the worst riots in Britain for decades on street gang members and opportunistic looters and denied government austerity measures or poverty caused the violence in London and other major English cities 英国首相卡梅...

  • 北苏丹将南苏丹列为“敌人”

    12-04-17 Sudanese MPs have voted unanimously to brand South Sudan an enemy. 苏丹议会一致通过决议将南苏丹列为敌人。 The government of South Sudan is an enemy and all Sudanese state agencies have to treat her accordingly, the resolution said. A Khartoum inform...

  • 希腊将在5月6日举行选举

    12-04-12 Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos has called elections on 6 May. 希腊总理卢卡斯帕帕季莫斯宣布5月6日将举行选举。 Mr Papademos, an economist, was made prime minister last November to help steer Greece through its debt crisis. He told a cabinet meet...

  • 韩国新进党议会选举获胜

    12-04-12 South Korea's ruling Saenuri party has taken the majority of seats in parliamentary polls. 韩国执政党新进党赢得议会选举的多数席位。 That gives the party 25 more than the opposition Democratic United Party (DUP), which had earlier been tipped to win...

  • 马里总统宣告辞职

    12-04-09 President Amadou Toumani Toure of Mali has formally resigned as part of a deal with coup leaders to end the crisis gripping the West African state. 马里总统阿马杜Toumani图雷正式宣告辞职,这是他与政变领导人达成的解决此次危机的一部分协议。 Amadou Toum...