• 人文知识练习附讲解 17

    21-10-23 1. Which of the following philosophers ever said I think, therefore I am? A Francis Bacon B Deseartes C Pierre Gassendi D John Locke 2. American Presidents are elected . . A every two years B every four years C every five years D every six years 3....

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 43

    21-10-15 1. ____is the core of the English Government. A the Sovereign B the House of Lords C the House of Commons D the Cabinet 2. Melbourne is located ____ A in Canada B in New Zealand C in Ireland D in Australia 3. ____forced Nixon to resign in 1973. A Th...

  • 西班牙政府将向年轻人发租房补助

    21-10-09 西班牙首相佩德罗桑切斯宣布,政府计划为 18 至 35 岁的成年人提供每月 250 欧元(约合人民币1862元)的租金补贴。该方案将适用于年收入低于23725欧元(约合人民币17.7万元)的成年人。 Spains prime minister Pedro Snchez is worried that too many not-so-young peo...

  • 英国的形成历史概况 3

    21-10-06 1. The statute of Wales in 1284 placed the country under English law and Edward presented his new-born-son to the Welsh people as the Prince of Wales, a title held by the heir to the throne ever since. 1284年的威尔士法,使威尔士处于英国法律之下,爱...

  • 英国过渡时期的历史概况 5

    21-10-05 1. Meanwhile, Oliver Cromwell and the Rump declared England a commonwealth. In December 1653,by an Instrument of Government, he became Lord Protector of the commonwealth of England. 克伦威尔用小议会取代残余国会,1653.12,根据《施政文件》,他成了英格...

  • 英国经济概况 1

    21-10-05 1.Between 150 and 173, Britains GDP grew at an average annual rate of 3%. Growth was hampered by chronic balance of payment deficits. The term Britain disease is now used to characterize Britains economic decline. 150年至173年兼,英国的国民生产总值...

  • 英国经济概况 2

    21-10-05 1.Mrs. Thatchers government took numerous measures to improve the efficiency of the economy during the past decade using both macroeconomic and microeconomic. 在过去十年,撒切尔政府运用宏观经济政策和微观经济政策,采取许多措施提高经济效益。 2.Just...

  • 冰岛试行的一周4天工作制“大获成功”

    21-07-07 冰岛人民可能很快就要过上每周只上4天班的幸福生活了,因为冰岛在2015年至2019年的短周工作制试点活动大获成功,生产效率不降反升。目前,西班牙、新西兰等多个国家都在试行一周4天工作制。 Trials of a four-day week in Iceland were an overwhelming success and le...

  • 日本政府计划推广每周4天工作制

    21-06-28 日本政府计划推广每周4天工作制,让员工自行选择每周休息三天还是两天,方便员工照顾家庭,改善工作和生活之间的平衡。对此专家们纷纷表达了自己的担忧。 Japans government plans to encourage firms to let their employees choose to work four days a week instead...

  • 篇幅虽短但令人爱不释手的8本小说

    21-05-26 《都柏林人》 Dubliners A collection of short stories by James Joyce, about the life of Irish middle class at the beginning of the 20th century. The stories share a common narrative element, epiphany, where characters experience a life-changing illum...