• 谈论未来计划的语法时态

    22-11-16 在谈论未来计划时,我们会用到表示将来的时态。做下面的测验,看看你对英语中可用作谈论未来的时态的掌握。 1. Which is the most natural way of asking about someones plans for the evening? a) Are you doing anything tonight? b) Will you do anything tonight?...

  • 东京一家美发沙龙推出“无声理发”服务

    22-11-14 在新冠疫情流行期间,日本东京一家美发沙龙为防止疫情传播推出无声理发服务,该服务正在日本流行起来。一项最新调查显示,超过70%的受访者更喜欢这种无声的体验,主要原因是他们认为这样理发时可以放松休息,而不用听不想听的信息或花精力闲聊。 Devised by a Tokyo ha...

  • 《恐龙当家》第20章

    22-11-09 After a much needed rest, the next morning brought clear skies and a renewed sense that everything was going to be okay. Spot rode on Arlos back, and Arlo walked confidently, feeling proud that they had made it through the terrible storm. Ow-ooooooo...

  • 含身体部位的英语成语

    22-10-24 英语里同身体各个部位连用的成语很多,有时用来做比喻;有时用来更为形象地表达一种意思。掌握好这些成语会大大丰富你的语言感染力。《英语小测验》考考你对身体成语知多少。 1: I finally told him how I really felt. It was good to __________. a) get off my head...

  • 尽可能多地留住头发的关键是早发现早预防

    22-09-15 虽然雄激素性脱发没有治愈方法,但一些治疗可以帮助减缓脱发速度,甚至在早期情况下可让头发再生。俄亥俄州立大学皮肤病学临床副教授苏珊马西克博士称,尽可能多地留住头发的关键是早发现早预防。 Dr. Susan Massick, a clinical associate professor of dermatology a...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 23

    22-09-14 After five months of exile in Sicily, Michael Corleone came finally to understand his fathers character and his destiny. He came to understand men like Luca Brasi, the ruthless caporegime Clemenza, his mothers resignation and acceptance of her role....

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 20

    22-09-14 I kept sitting there getting drunk and waiting for old Tina and Janine to come out and do their stuff, but they werent there. A flitty-looking guy with wavy hair came out and played the piano, and then this new babe, Valencia, came out and sang. She...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第25章

    22-09-08 Rapunzel! Flynn yelled as he jumped off Maximuss back. No answer. Rapunzel, let down your hair! he yelled again, desperately hoping she was safe. Swoosh! Rapunzels long blond hair glided out of the window and down the tower. She was alive! Grasping...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第22章

    22-09-08 In a menacing tone, the Stabbington without the eye patch told Flynn everything that he and his brother had learned from wicked Mother Gothel. We heard you found something. Something much more valuable than a crown. Both brothers looked in the direc...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第11章

    22-09-07 In another part of the forest, Maximus, the palace guard horse, was still eagerly sniffing the ground for Flynn Rider. Furious about losing Flynn, he saw one of Flynns wantedposters. In a frenzy, Maximus ripped it from the tree with his teeth and sh...