• 《疯狂动物城》第18章

    23-01-30 It didnt take long for Judy and Nick to find Assistant Mayor Bellwether in city hall. She was struggling to hold a stack of files while keeping up with Mayor Lionheart. Sir? said Bellwether. If we could just review these very important As Bellwether...

  • 《湮灭》精彩词句

    22-12-26 1. Zoned out. 我走神了。 2. Do you have to hit on everyone, like all the time? 你还是没变,要跟每个人调情吗? 3. Lets not jump to conclusions. 我们先别急着下结论。 4. This is the mess hall. 这是食堂。 5. We have evidence the previous team went nuts a...

  • 《玩具总动员》第8章

    21-06-23 Tangled in dusty Christmas lights, Woody crawled through the mountains of junk in the closet and finally tumbled out into the hall. Buzz? he called out softly. The coast is clear. Buzz, where are you? Buzzs voice echoed from down the hall: Theres a...

  • 李娜正式进入国际网球名人堂

    19-07-22 Li Na has broken new ground at the International Tennis Hall of Fame. 李娜在国际网球名人堂创出新天地。 The 37-year-old former Chinese star became the first Asian-born player to be inducted on Saturday. She was enshrined along with Mary Pierce of Fra...

  • 李娜正式进入国际网球名人堂

    19-07-22 Li Na has broken new ground at the International Tennis Hall of Fame. 李娜在国际网球名人堂创出新天地。 The 37-year-old former Chinese star became the first Asian-born player to be inducted on Saturday. She was enshrined along with Mary Pierce of Fra...

  • 大高玄殿三年内向公众开放

    17-02-07 The Dagaoxuan Taoist Temple, Beijings only imperial Taoist building cluster, located on the northwest corner of the Palace Museum, is to open to the public in three years. 北京唯一的皇家道教建筑群、坐落于故宫博物院西北角大高玄殿将于三年内向公众开放...

  • Henpecked Husbands 妻管严

    16-05-12 The ruler of all ancient kingdom wanted to disprove the statement that the men of his domain were ruled by their wives. He had all the males in his kingdom brought before him and warned that any man who did not tell the truth would be punished sever...

  • The Ghostly Cheerleader

    16-05-11 Lacey Delgado walked down the long dark hall leading to the locker room bathrooms. Something about the chill of the hall and the odd echo of her footsteps gave her the creeps, even though she could still hear her teammates working on their cheers in...

  • 医学病症词典H(1)

    14-10-30 habit spasm 习惯性痉挛 haematogenous 血源性 haemngioblastoma 小神经胶质细胞瘤 Haenel's syndrome 黑内尔症状(脊髓痨患者眼球压觉缺失) Hall's disease 假性脑积水 Hall's facies 霍尔面容(额大面小,见于脑积水) Haller's circle 视神经血管环 Haller's line...

  • The Forbidden City 紫禁城

    11-01-05 The Forbidden City is located at the center of the city of Beijing. First built in 1406 and completed in 1420, the city served as the royal palace in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. During the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, 24 emperors lived here. Apart...
