• 疟疾死亡人数被严重低估

    12-02-03 Worldwide malaria deaths may be almost twice as high as previously estimated, a study reports. 一项研究显示,世界上由疟疾引起的死亡人数,可能是先前预计的两倍之多。 The research, published in the British medical journal the Lancet, suggest 1.24 milli...

  • 越年轻时离婚对健康影响越大

    12-01-31 Divorce at a younger age hurts people's health more than divorce later in life, according to a new study by a Michigan State University sociologist. Hui Liu said the findings, which appear in the research journal Social Science Medicine, suggest old...

  • 酒精与心脏 是敌是友?

    12-01-31 A meta-analysis done by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) into the relationship between alcohol consumption and heart disease provides new insight into the long-held belief that drinking a glass of red wine a day can help protect aga...

  • 患者对疾病的态度影响治疗效果

    12-01-30 Whenever we fall ill, there are many different factors that come together to influence the course of our illness. Additional medical conditions, stress levels, and social support all have an impact on our health and well-being, especially when we ar...

  • 新年减肥计划很快被抛之脑后

    12-01-29 The festive break is fast becoming a distant memory and for many, New Year fitness regimes are too. 新年假期会很快成为遥远的回忆,而对很多人来说,新年的减肥计划也会很快被抛之脑后。 Despite 2.6m people starting diets on New Years Day, research sugges...

  • 叶绿素能预防癌症

    12-01-13 A recent study at Oregon State University found that the chlorophyll(叶绿素) in green vegetables offers protection against cancer when tested against the modest carcinogen(致癌物质) exposure levels most likely to be found in the environment. How...

  • 《盗梦空间》二

    11-12-29 精彩对白 Arthur: Our ride's on the roof. Cobb: Right. Arthur: Hey, are you okay? Cobb: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Why? Arthur: Well, down in the dream, Mal showing up. Cobb: Look, I'm, uh, sorry about your leg. Won't happen again. Arthur: It's getting wo...

  • 多发性硬化影响大脑几个不同部位

    11-12-27 Radiology researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) have found evidence that multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化) affects an area of the brain that controls cognitive, sensory and motor functioning apart from the...

  • 圣诞树不洁净可能引发各种身体不适

    11-12-24 Christmas trees could be to blame for a range of health complaints over the festive season, according to new research. 新研究显示,圣诞树可能是圣诞节期间一连串身体不适的罪魁祸首。 Don't be too quick to judge those who feel under the weather(不舒服...

  • 噪音无时无刻不在我们身边

    11-12-22 Nine out of 10 city dwellers(居民) may have enough harmful noise exposure to risk hearing loss, and most of that exposure comes from leisure activities. Historically, loud workplaces were blamed for harmful noise levels. But researchers at the Uni...