• 各种跟“热”有关的词汇

    15-09-15 hot and humid 湿热 hot and dry 干热 hot spell 连续高温天气 heat stroke/sunstroke 中暑 heat wave 热浪 heat-related illnesses 高温病 heat-resistant 抗热的/耐热的 sauna days 桑拿天 sizzling/severe heat 酷热 scorching sun 烈日、骄阳 blistering summer da...

  • 中国中北部地区遭热浪袭击

    15-07-15 An intense heatwave has baked swathes of central and northern China with temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius on Monday. 一股强烈的热浪袭击中国中北部地区,周一该地区气温超40摄氏度。 Chief forecaster of National Meteorological Center Ma Xuekuan...

  • 南极西部冰原下有丰富的地热能

    15-07-14 The amount of heat flowing toward the base of the West Antarctic ice sheet from geothermal sources deep within the Earth is surprisingly high, according to a new study led by UC Santa Cruz researchers. The results, published July 10 in Science Advan...

  • 巴基斯坦卡拉奇遭遇高温 748人死亡

    15-06-25 A heat wave in the Pakistani city of Karachi is blamed for over 700 deaths. 巴基斯坦城市卡拉奇遭遇高温天气,造成700多人死亡。 Intermittent power losses are also compounding the situation in the city of 20 million. However, Pakistani forecasters are...

  • toasted skin syndrome 烤肤综合征

    15-06-14 Toasted skin syndrome refers to a skin rash caused by lengthy exposure to a heat source, such as laptop computer balanced on the thighs for an extended period. That is why it is also called laptop thigh. 烤肤综合征指因为长期接触热源导致的皮肤出红疹...

  • 印度遭热浪袭击 1100多人死亡

    15-05-27 A deadly heat wave which has been gripping parts of India is now being blamed for over 11-hundred deaths. 印度部分地区遭到一股致命热浪袭击,现在已经造成1100多人死亡。 Temperatures in parts of the country during the past few days have hit 47 degrees...

  • 新型磁体在磁场中会释放热量

    15-05-21 A new class of magnets that expand their volume when placed in a magnetic field and generate negligible amounts of wasteful heat during energy harvesting, has been discovered by researchers at Temple University and the University of Maryland. The re...

  • 《南极大冒险》精彩词句

    14-12-24 Welcome to the bottom of the world. 欢迎来到地球边缘。 Go any further south, you'll fall off the planet. 如果你再向南走,你就会从地球边上掉下去了。 First time for everything, I suppose. 凡事总要有个开头, 这也好。 Ready to go out and greet the heat?...

  • 低档余热可为氨电池充电

    14-12-04 An efficient method to harvest low-grade waste heat as electricity may be possible using reversible ammonia batteries, according to Penn State engineers. The use of waste heat for power production would allow additional electricity generation withou...

  • heart's heat stroke 心理中暑

    14-10-27 Heart's heat stroke is the condition where you are prone to heat stroke in summertime not physically, but psychologically, in the form of short temper and difficulty in staying calm. High-risk groups include white-collar workers under pressure and p...