• 澳洲东南部迎来酷暑天气

    14-01-15 South-east Australia has been hit with extreme hot weather, with temperatures of over 40C in some areas. 澳大利亚东南部地区近日遭遇高温天气,部分地区气温超过40摄氏度。 Australians headed to the beach as temperatures soared In Victoria, lightning str...

  • 中子星表面自发热的奥秘

    13-12-02 Until now, scientists were pretty sure they knew how the surface of a neutron star -- a super dense star that forms when a large star explodes and its core collapses into itself -- can heat itself up. However, research by a team of scientists led by...

  • 物理学家找到利用废热的新途径

    13-09-07 Physicists at the University of Houston's physics department and the Texas Center for Superconductivity are working on an innovation that could boost vehicle mileage by 5 percent and power plant and industrial processing performance as much as 10 pe...

  • 《三个火枪手》四

    13-08-20 片段对白 Imperial bodyguard: Stay where you are! This is the queen's wing . You can't be up here. Milady: Oh, thank goodness. I got so lost. I took a wrong turn and then a door slammed behind me. I've been trapped up here, in the sun, and this heat....

  • 探索地幔中的热传导

    13-08-10 The key to understanding Earth's evolution is to look at how heat is conducted in the deep lower mantle -- a region some 400 to 1,800 miles (660 to 2,900 kilometers) below the surface. Researchers at the Carnegie Institution, with colleagues at the...

  • 中国首次发布2级高温预警

    13-07-31 Temperatures in parts of China have hit record highs, prompting an emergency level-two nationwide heat alert for the first time. 中国部分地区低温创历史新高,政府首次发布全国2级高温预警。 In Shanghai, at least 10 people have died from heatstroke, as...

  • 生命细胞的热导率测量

    13-06-29 To the ancients, probing the philosophical(哲学的) question of how to distinguish the living from the dead centered on the mystery of the vital heat. To modern microbiology, this question was always less mysterious than it was annoying -- research...

  • 城市可影响到千里之外地区的气温

    13-01-28 Even if you live more than 1,000 miles from the nearest large city, it could be affecting your weather. In a new study that shows the extent to which human activities are influencing the atmosphere, scientists have concluded that the heat generated...

  • 利用赖氨酸探测玉米酒精糟的热损耗

    13-01-15 Distillers(蒸馏器) dried grains with solubles (DDGS) are a good source of energy and protein in swine diets. However, they can be damaged by excessive heat during processing, compromising their nutritional value. University of Illinois researchers...

  • 纳米超晶格结构可用于提高热电器效率

    12-11-16 Thermoelectric devices, which can harness temperature differences to produce electricity, might be made more efficient thanks to new research on heat propagation(传播,繁殖) through structures called superlattices. The new findings show, unexpecte...