• 粉丝 上

    22-04-13 die-hard fans 铁杆粉丝 Time is running out for Oprahs die-hard fans, and they were feeling the heat Tuesday as they waited in line outside Harpo Studios in the hopes of getting into one of the final shows. 对奥普拉的铁杆粉丝们来说,能观看她脱口秀的...


    21-12-06 THUNDERSNOW 雷雪 The conditions required to create thundersnow are most common around lakes (it occasionally accompanies lake-effect snow) and coastal areas. In these places, the sun is able to heat the ground and cause relatively warm and humid col...


    21-12-06 HOAR FROST 白霜 One of the first signs of winter is the hoar frost of late autumn. Deriving its name from an Old English word (hoar, meaning to appear old), this is the thin, feathery coating of ice that often forms on objects during cool nights wit...

  • white-hot 白热化

    21-11-19 白热化,原指物体受热达到白炽(glowing white with heat)的状态,现在比喻竞争、局势发展到最激烈的阶段(in the heat of the battle),可翻译为white-hot,例如:竞争趋于白热化(Competition is turning white-hot)。 例句: 争论达到了白热化的程度。 The debat...

  • 希腊深陷山火危机

    21-08-12 东京奥运会落下了帷幕,而奥林匹克的诞生之地希腊却深陷山火危机,熊熊烈焰曾一度逼近奥运圣火采集地点赫拉神庙和第一棒火炬传递地点古竞技...

  • “酷暑”怎么表达

    21-06-22 1 Its stiflingly hot. I can hardly study! 天气太闷热了,我根本没法好好学习! 2 Its raining fire! The road is melting and I am leaking/ sweating. 太热了!感觉浑身都在滴汗,路也在融化。 3 If we do not escape the heat, it is easy to have sunstroke and...

  • 热死了

    21-05-30 The heat is killing me. heat有热量的意思,在这里指高温。kill有杀死的意思,在这里,kill me是使我难受的意思,而killing是kill的现在分词形式。 A:The heat is killing me ! 我快被热死了! B:Its not just hot. Its Africa hot ! 不止是热,是像非洲一样热! Im...

  • body warmer 暖宝宝

    21-01-13 寒冬时节,骤降的气温让人们离不开各种保暖神器。而说到保暖神器,当然少不了暖手暖脚又暖心的暖宝宝。 暖宝宝(literally warm baby)其实是一种方形的暖身贴,英文常见的说法有body warmer,body heat pad,warmer pad或heat patch等。 例句: 我在网上给我奶奶买了...

  • 辽宁大量海参因高温死亡

    18-08-07 A large number of sea cucumbers have been dying due to the heat in Liaoning Province, causing direct economic losss of 6.87 billion yuan (around 1 billion U.S. dollars), reports CCTV Finance. 央视财经报道,辽宁省大量海参因高温死亡,造成直接经济损失6...

  • 中国部分城市遭遇最热七月

    18-07-31 As a persistent heat wave sweeps across China, 22 counties and cities in the southwest and northeast regions of the country have experienced their hottest July on record, reports Chinanews.com. 一股持续的热浪横扫中国,国内22个县以及西边东部地区部分...