• How Did You Ever Get Here

    11-03-23 How Did You Ever Get Here One winter morning, an employee explained why he had shown up for work 45 minutes late. It was so slippery out that for every step I took ahead, I slipped back two. The boss eyed him suspiciously. Oh, yeah? Then how did you...

  • 布什自传《抉择时刻》将出版发行

    10-10-25 Former US president George W. Bush says he made a swift transition from White House pampering to picking up his pet's poop, according to a news report Wednesday. 本周三最新报道称,美国前总统乔治W布什表示自己很快适应了角色转变从养尊处优的美国总统到捡...

  • 英国女性仍然负担大部分家务

    10-10-17 Women have fought hard for equality but a staggering 82 per cent still do the housework in their home, according to a revealing new study into Britain's cleaning habits. 一项有关英国人的清洁习惯的新研究惊人地揭示,尽管女性为实现平等进行了艰苦的斗争...

  • 马来西亚一婴儿被猕猴摔死

    10-10-07 A baby in Malaysia has died after being snatched from home by a monkey which bit then dropped her from the roof. 马来西亚一个婴儿在家中被一只猴子抱走、啃咬并从屋顶被丢下致死。 Macaque monkeys can become aggressive when in search of food or mates The...

  • Who will wash the dishes

    10-10-05 Mr. and Mrs. Jones very seldom go out in the evening, but last saturday, Mrs. Jones said to her husband, There is a good film at the cinema tonight. Can we go and see it? Mr. Jones was quite happy about it, so they went, and both of them enjoyed the...

  • A Trip to Disney

    10-10-05 On a trip to Disney World in Florida, my husband and I and our two children devoted ourselves wholeheartedly(全心全意地) to the wonders of this attraction. After three exhausting days, we headed for home. As we drove away, our son waved and said,...

  • sandwich class 夹心层

    10-09-26 低收入者可以申请保障性住房,高收入者可以购买商品房,而上下够不着的夹心层住房难题一直没有得到解决,这也成为两会的焦点议题之一。有代表提出可参考香港的公屋制度,通过建造公共租赁房等措施解决夹心层住房难的问题。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Applications comm...

  • 互联网成为人们寻找爱情的重要场所

    10-08-22 Australia should move to be a republic when reign of Queen Elizabeth II ends, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard said on Tuesday. 澳大利亚总理茱莉娅吉拉德于本周二称,澳大利亚应在英国女王伊丽莎白二世退位后推行共和体制。 Gillard also planned to l...

  • 研究:丈夫在家干的活儿不比妻子少

    10-08-21 He may leave his socks lying around and avoid emptying the dishwasher, but a new study shows husbands do as much work as their wives. 男人可能会把袜子扔得到处都是,不愿意摆弄洗碗机,然而一项新研究显示,丈夫干的活儿可不比妻子少。 London School of Eco...

  • 南非某养老院发生火灾 18人死亡

    10-08-03 A fire at a retirement home in South Africa has left 18 people dead. 南非一座养老院发生火灾,导致18人死亡。 Several more were injured in the blaze, which broke out at around 2100 (1900 GMT) on Sunday, 50km (30 miles) south-east of Johannesburg. The...