• 奥地利将挖掘纳粹受害者遗体

    11-01-05 Officials in western Austria say exhumations are to take place at a psychiatric hospital thought to contain the remains of Nazi victims. 西奥地利官员称,一座精神病医院将进行尸体挖掘工作,该地可能埋有纳粹受害者的遗体。 Hall still functions as a psych...

  • 俄新军装“有风度没有温度”

    10-12-18 俄罗斯军人在换上了颇为时尚笔挺的新军装后麻烦随之而来。据悉,因为新军装材质太薄无法抵御俄罗斯冬季持续不断的严寒,目前已造成数百名官兵生病住进医院。 Russia's sharp new military uniforms, created by a top fashion designer, have landed hundreds in hospi...

  • 利用计算机程序寻找匹配肾源

    10-12-15 A man in St. Louis and a woman in New Hampshire have received the first kidney transplants made possible through a new national program of the Organ Procurement(采购,获得) and Transplantation Network (OPTN) that uses a Carnegie Mellon University...

  • 环境温度每上升5°C 儿童重伤住院率提高10%

    10-11-29 Every 5C rise in maximum temperature pushes up the rate of hospital admissions for serious injuries among children, reveals one of the largest studies of its kind published online in Emergency Medicine Journal. Conversely(相反地) , each 5 C drop i...

  • 医疗器械留在儿童体内危险但不致命

    10-11-16 Surgical items, such as sponges(海绵) and small instruments, left in the bodies of children who undergo surgery are quite uncommon and rarely fatal but decidedly dangerous and expensive mistakes, according to a Johns Hopkins Children's Center stud...

  • 三名智利矿工安全出院

    10-10-15 Three of the 33 men rescued after 69 days trapped in the San Jose mine in Chile have been discharged from hospital and allowed to go home. 智利33名被困69天的矿工之中的三名已被同意出院并允许回家。 Reporters were waiting for miner Carlos Mamani (C) at...

  • 新生儿脱瘾症状的治疗将改善

    10-10-07 Thousands of infants each year have exposure to opioids(阿片类药物) before they are born. Over half of these infants are born with withdrawal symptoms severe enough to require opioid replacement treatment in the nursery. Such treatment is associat...

  • 远程医疗可以缓解老年抑郁症吗?

    10-10-04 Studies have shown a high rate of depression among elderly homebound(回家的) individuals, and few patients receive adequate treatment, if any(若有的话) . To address this issue, researchers at Rhode Island Hospital and other organizations have de...

  • 美国前总统卡特突发急病住院

    10-09-29 Former US President Jimmy Carter is to spend the night in hospital after being taken ill with an upset stomach on a flight to Cleveland. 美国前总统吉米卡特在飞往克利夫兰的航班上突然感到肚子痛被紧急送往医院住院观察。 Mr Carter was taken to the Metro...

  • 血液感染的监控方法与报道不一致

    10-09-27 A new study looking at how hospitals account for the number of pediatric(小儿科的) patients who develop catheter(导管) -associated bloodstream infections (CA-BSIs) found substantial inconsistencies in the methods used to report the number of pat...