• 语法不是人类语言所独有的

    16-03-09 Human communication is powered by rules for combining words to generate novel meanings. Such syntactical rules have long been assumed to be unique humans. A new study, published in Nature Communications, show that Japanese great tits combine their c...

  • 南洋理工科学家发明社交型远端临场机器人

    16-01-03 Say hello to Nadine, a 'receptionist' at Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore). She is friendly, and will greet you back. Next time you meet her, she will remember your name and your previous conversation with her. She looks almost like a...

  • 工程师创造出会违背命令的机器人

    15-12-04 If Hollywood ever had a lesson for scientists it is what happens if machines start to rebel against their human creators. 如果说好莱坞曾经给科学家们一个教训,那一定是机器人开始反抗它们的创造者人类。 Yet despite this, roboticists have started to teac...

  • 情绪多变可以帮助我们适应瞬息万变的世界

    15-11-06 Moody people are often baffling to those of us with steadier emotions. 喜怒无常的人常常令情绪稳定的人感到困惑。 But scientists argue that changing moods - as seen in sulking teenagers, grumpy spouses, or bad-tempered parents - serve an important pur...

  • 人类是加勒比野生动物生存的最大敌人

    15-10-21 Nearly 100 fossil species pulled from a flooded cave in the Bahamas reveal a true story of persistence against all odds -- at least until the time humans stepped foot on the islands. University of Florida researchers say the discovery, detailed in a...

  • 温暖宜人的房子可能扰乱人体季节节律

    15-10-18 An 'eternal summer' created by home heating and lighting may be disrupting seasonal rhythms in the human body with the risk of illness or even premature death, researchers say. 研究人员指出,由家庭供暖和照明设备创造的永恒夏日可能会扰乱人体内部的季节...

  • 网络新热潮 假扮冷冻鸡

    15-10-18 Grown adults are stripping off in public and pretending to be frozen chickens thanks to a new internet craze. 随着一个新的网络热潮兴起,成年人开始在公众场合脱掉衣服,假扮冷冻鸡。 The Frozenchook Facebook page encourages otherwise normal members of s...

  • 非洲古人类基因组首次成功定序

    15-10-13 The first ancient human genome from Africa to be sequenced has revealed that a wave of migration back into Africa from Western Eurasia around 3,000 years ago was up to twice as significant as previously thought, and affected the genetic make-up of p...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 5

    15-10-13 In spite of the whisky he had drunk at the Club, Flory had little sleep that night. The pariah curs were baying the moon--it was only a quarter full and nearly down by midnight, but the dogs slept all day in the heat, and they had begun their moon-c...

  • 人类基因组编辑新体系

    15-09-28 A team including the scientist who first harnessed the revolutionary CRISPR-Cas9 system for mammalian genome editing has now identified a different CRISPR system with the potential for even simpler and more precise genome engineering. In a study pub...