• 大象如何发出低沉的声音

    12-08-06 African elephants are known to be great communicators that converse with extremely low-pitched vocalizations, known as infrasounds, over a distance of miles. These infrasounds occupy a very low frequency range -- fewer than 20 Hertz, or cycles, per...

  • 脑成像图片可显示人的智慧高低

    12-08-02 When it comes to intelligence, what factors distinguish the brains of exceptionally smart humans from those of average humans? As science has long suspected, overall brain size matters somewhat, accounting for about 6.7 percent of individual variati...

  • facepalm 捂脸时刻

    12-08-02 A facepalm is the physical gesture of placing one's hand flat across one's face or lowering one's face into one's hand or hands. The gesture is found in many cultures as a display of frustration, embarrassment, shock, or surprise. Facepalm指的是用手...

  • 科学家发明模仿人类行走的机械腿

    12-07-09 A group of US researchers has produced a robotic set of legs which they believe is the first to fully model walking in a biologically accurate manner. The neural architecture, musculoskeletal architecture and sensory feedback pathways in humans have...

  • 源泉南方古猿饮食结构之研究

    12-06-28 Australopithecus sediba, believed to be an early relative of modern-day humans, enjoyed a diet of leaves, fruits, nuts, and bark, which meant they probably lived in a more wooded environment than is generally thought, a surprising find published in...

  • 考古学家发现最早的墙壁艺术

    12-05-16 Anthropologists working in southern France have determined that a 1.5 metric ton block of engraved limestone(石灰岩) constitutes the earliest evidence of wall art. Their research, reported in the most recent edition of the Proceedings of the Natio...

  • 吃肉缩减了人类的哺乳期

    12-04-23 Carnivory is behind the evolutionary success of humankind. When early humans started to eat meat and eventually hunt, their new, higher-quality diet meant that women could wean(使断奶) their children earlier. Women could then give birth to more ch...

  • 有些动物为何能更长寿

    12-03-30 Scientists at the University of Liverpool have developed a new method to detect proteins associated with longevity, which helps further our understanding into why some animals live longer than others. The team looked at the genome of more than 30 ma...

  • 足骨化石开启人类进化新认识

    12-03-29 Scientists have obtained a fascinating new insight into the evolution of humans and our ability to walk. 科学家对于人类的进化以及直立行走的能力有了全新的认识。 The eight elements are all from the forefoot It comes from the fossilised bones of a foot...

  • 欧洲尼安德特人在人类出现前就已绝迹

    12-03-27 Western Europe has long been held to be the cradle of Neandertal evolution since many of the earliest discoveries were from sites in this region. But when Neandertals started disappearing around 30,000 years ago, anthropologists(人类学家) figured...