• 某些物种不会随时间而衰老

    13-12-09 In our youth we are strong and healthy and then we weaken and die -- that's probably how most would describe what aging is all about. But, in nature, the phenomenon of aging shows an unexpected diversity of patterns and is altogether rather strange,...

  • 所有动物身上至少携带32万种新病毒

    13-09-03 There could be at least 320,000 viruses awaiting discovery that are circulating in animals, a study suggests. 研究发现,动物间传播的至少32万种新病毒有待人们去研究。 Researchers say that identifying these viral diseases, especially those that can spr...

  • 蚊子的嗅觉在夜间更灵敏

    13-09-02 In work published this week in Nature: Scientific Reports, a team of researchers from the University of Notre Dame's Eck Institute for Global Health, led by Associate Professor Giles Duffield and Assistant Professor Zain Syed of the Department of Bi...

  • 结核病起源于七万多年前的非洲

    13-09-02 Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of deadliest infectious diseases of humans, killing 50% of individuals when left untreated. Even today, TB causes 1-2 million deaths every year mainly in developing countries. Multidrug-resistance is a growing threat in...

  • 8月20日:地球生态超载日

    13-08-25 8月20日,是今年的地球生态超载日,也就是说,我们已经用光了这一年地球能够提供给我们的各类自然资源,人类在余下几个月使用的资源都是在透支下一年的生态预算。提出这一概念的全球生态足迹网络表示,目前,人类需要1.5个地球提供的资源才能存活发展;而到本世纪中叶...

  • 人类感染的MRSA菌株源于家畜

    13-08-14 A strain of bacteria that causes skin and soft tissue infections in humans originally came from cattle, according to a study to be published in mBio, the online open-access journal of the American Society for Microbiology. The researchers who conduc...

  • 人类注视时 喜鹊反应更迅速

    13-06-08 Researchers from the Seoul National University found that wild birds appear to think faster when humans, and possibly predators in general, are directly looking at them. We started this study from our experience says Dr. Sang-im Lee, the leader of m...

  • 黑猩猩喜欢解决谜题

    13-02-25 A study, published by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), shows that just like humans love getting stuck into a crossword, chimpanzees get the same feeling of satisfaction from completing tricky puzzles. Scientists set up a challenge for six chi...

  • 倭黑猩猩有关心同类的倾向

    13-01-31 Comforting a friend or relative in distress may be a more hard-wired behavior than previously thought, according to a new study of bonobos(倭黑猩猩) , which are great apes known for their empathy and close relation to humans and chimpanzees. This...

  • 马来西亚十头侏儒象被“毒死”

    13-01-29 Ten endangered pygmy elephants have been found dead in a reserve in Malaysia, with officials saying they may have been poisoned. 马来西亚一座自然保护区内发现十头侏儒象死亡,官员称它们是被毒死的。 A baby elephant was found next to the body of its dea...