• 黑猩猩的“床”比人类的床还干净?

    21-04-02 一项对比黑猩猩的巢和人类睡过的床的清洁度的研究结果着实让人感到意外。研究人员们说,这可能表明我们为自己创造清洁环境的努力实际可能使我们周围的环境变得不那么理想。 As humans moved indoors many thousands of years ago, we became increasingly separated fr...

  • 世卫组织报告:新冠病毒“极不可能”通过实验室事件传人

    21-04-01 世界卫生组织3月30日在日内瓦正式发布中国-世卫组织新冠病毒溯源联合研究报告。报告认为,新冠病毒可能至比较可能从原始动物宿主直接传人,比较可能至非常可能经由中间宿主引入人类,可能通过冷链食品传人,极不可能通过实验室事件传人。 The virus that caused the CO...

  • 研究显示现代人类与尼安德特人曾长期共存

    20-11-17 一项新的研究显示,现代人类到达欧洲并把尼安德特人逐渐推到灭绝边缘的时间比之前认为得更早。对保加利亚北部一处洞穴遗迹进行的一系列测试表明,早在4.6万年前那里就有智人存在。 Modern humans are prime suspects in the extinction of the Neanderthals - the anci...

  • 地球进入新地质时代“人类世”

    19-06-04 Last week, a panel of scientists voted in favor of classifying the age we are living in as a new geological epoch-the Anthropocene-after reviewing available evidence on the issue. 上周,一组科学家在审阅了现有证据之后,投票赞成将我们所处的时代划分为...

  • 人工智能可通过眼球运动判断性格

    18-08-12 Eyes really do tell a story. 眼睛确实会说话。 Using machine learning, earlier this year scientists discovered a connection between peoples personalities and their eye movements. They then deployed artificial intelligence to track and analyze the eye...

  • 论跑步耐力人类远胜其它物种

    18-04-21 Each year, a small town in Wales holds the Man Versus Horse Marathon. Its a 22-mile race between riders on horseback and runners. And, while horses often win, humans will sometimes prevail. 威尔士的一个小镇每年都会举办人马长跑大赛,由骑马者和跑步者...

  • 我们如今正生活在“人类世”纪元

    16-10-04 The 11,700-year-old Holocene epoch is over. Were now living in the Anthropocene epoch. 长达11700年的全新世结束啦。我们如今正生活在人类世纪元。 You dont need to be paying much attention to the world around you to know that humans are having a massive...

  • 我们拥有的真正意义上的朋友可能只有5个

    16-05-30 Many of us may have lists of contacts and followers on social media networks that extend into the thousands, but new research has found we may actually only have five real friends. 我们中的许多人通讯录里的联系人和社交媒体网络上的好友可以增加到数千人...

  • 探测翻译猫叫的智能项圈

    16-05-14 Cat lovers of the world, rejoice! You finally have the chance to understand what your pet is saying thanks to a smart collar that can interpret feline meows and translate it into human speech. Aptly named Catterbox, the collar supposedly has a digit...

  • 人类四肢是如何进化的?

    16-04-20 Sharks, skates, and rays are oddities among the fish: They have appendages growing out of the gill arch, a small cradle of bones that supports the gills. This anatomical peculiarity has led to the proposal that the paired limbs of humans, and before...