21-12-06 GLAZE ICE 雨凇 When falling precipitation hits a surface thats below freezing, it can instantly form whats known as glaze ice, a buildup of smooth, clear, and transparent ice. It can be seen coating tree branches and plants following an ice storm....

  • 莎士比亚创造的英语词汇

    21-10-02 英国著名剧作家莎士比亚的诞辰和忌日是每年的4月23日,联合国英文日(English Language Day)也被定在这一天。这位文豪创造了哪些被人沿袭至今的英语说法?通过做以下的《英语小测验》学习六个现代英语中由莎士比亚创造的词汇和表达。 1. Someone who is very good and...

  • to break the ice 见到陌生人时主动开口和对方攀谈

    21-09-03 To break the ice 就是见到陌生人时主动开口和对方攀谈,打破彼此生疏的僵局。 例句 She said, Heres a game thats guaranteed to break the ice at parties. The room was silent, so he told a joke to break the ice. Sometimes its very difficult to break the ic...

  • to skate on thin ice 情况危急,如履薄冰

    21-08-12 To skate on thin ice 在薄冰上溜冰 这个短语实际上是描述某人身处危险境地或是有惹祸上身的可能。 例句 Youre skating on thin ice when you ask me what I think of you. Youre skating on thin ice by always coming in late. By introducing these reforms before...

  • to be on ice 暂缓、搁置

    21-08-10 To be on ice 的意思是暂缓、搁置某个决定或计划。换句话说就是暂时先不考虑某件事了。 例句 Ive had to put my trip to the Caribbean on ice as I need the money to get my car repaired. All development projects are on ice until we receive more funding. 请注...

  • 发明:将啤酒、鸡尾酒变成冰淇淋

    21-07-09 炎炎夏日,到底是吃冰淇淋还是喝冰镇啤酒?不用纠结了,现在你可以二者通吃!最新发明冰淇淋机可以将啤酒、鸡尾酒甚至烈酒变成冰淇淋,但记住不要吃太多,不然会醉倒哦。 Getting drunk on ice cream used to be the stuff of dreams, but thanks to Will Rogers, inve...

  • to break the ice 破冰,打破冷场

    21-07-05 To break the ice是指碰到陌生人时主动打开话匣子,开始攀谈,打破这种不熟悉的局面,让气氛热络起来。由此衍生出来icebreaker一词,指彼此不认识的人见面时,用来活跃气氛的游戏或笑话。另外,icebreaker也有破冰船的意思。 例句 I felt awkward until they broke the...

  • 文创雪糕五一火出圈

    21-05-08 刚刚过去的五一假期,不只是各地的景点火爆异常,一些景区的文创雪糕也火出了圈。 The Sanxingdui Museum in Guanghan, southwest Chinas Sichuan province, has rolled out ice cream bars in the shape of Sanxingdui bronze masks unearthed at the sacrificial pit...

  • have ice in one's veins 镇定自若

    21-04-11 表达 have ice in ones veins 的字面意思是 某人的血管里有冰,而它实际表达的意思是 临危不乱,镇定自若。Have ice in ones veins 也可以被用来形容某人 冷酷无情。 例句 She didnt move when the ball was coming straight towards her face. She must have ice in h...

  • 英国的南极探险者

    21-03-30 Sir Ranulph Fiennes prepares for his latest adventure. What would you pack for a six-month trek on the coldest continent in the world? Bear in mind that therell be no shops around and no help from home. Thats the challenge the British explorer Sir R...