• 2013年北极海冰体积增长1/3

    15-07-22 The volume of Arctic sea ice increased by a third after the summer of 2013 as the unusually cool air temperatures prevented the ice from melting, according to UCL and University of Leeds scientists. This suggests that the ice pack in the Northern he...

  • 北极熊在夏天需要节省小部分体能

    15-07-21 Polar bears are unlikely to physiologically compensate for extended food deprivation associated with the ongoing loss of sea ice, according to one-of-its-kind research conducted by University of Wyoming scientists and others, and published today in...

  • 南极西部冰原下有丰富的地热能

    15-07-14 The amount of heat flowing toward the base of the West Antarctic ice sheet from geothermal sources deep within the Earth is surprisingly high, according to a new study led by UC Santa Cruz researchers. The results, published July 10 in Science Advan...

  • ice missile 冰弹

    15-04-13 Ice missile is a chunk of ice that flies off the roof of a moving vehicle. 冰弹指的是从移动的车辆顶部飞落的大块儿冰块。 Anyone who lives or drives regularly in one of the cold-weather states has probably observed the phenomenon: A massive chunk of i...

  • 陆地上的食物似乎不利于北极熊成长

    15-04-02 A team of scientists led by the U.S. Geological Survey found that polar bears, increasingly forced on shore due to sea ice loss, may be eating terrestrial foods including berries, birds and eggs, but any nutritional gains are limited to a few indivi...

  • 南极部分浮冰融化速度高达18%

    15-03-30 A new study led by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego researchers has revealed that the thickness of Antarctica's floating ice shelves has recently decreased by as much as 18 percent in certain areas over nearly two decades, providi...

  • A drunk decides to go ice fishing 酒鬼钓鱼

    15-03-06 A drunk decides to go ice fishing, so he gathers his gear and goes walking around until he finds a big patch of ice. He heads into the center of the ice and begins to saw a hole. All of a sudden, a loud booming voice comes out of the sky. You will f...

  • 格陵兰冰原逐渐消逝的详细线索

    14-12-16 The Greenland Ice Sheet is the second-largest body of ice on Earth. It covers an area about five times the size of New York State and Kansas combined, and if it melts completely, oceans could rise by 20 feet. Coastal communities from Florida to Bang...

  • ice-bucket challenge 冰桶挑战

    14-10-27 One of the biggest stunts online and in social media right now had very low-key beginnings on the professional golf circuit. 目前在网络和社交媒体上最风靡的行为其实是在专业高尔夫球场上低调开始的。 The so-called ice-bucket challenge -- dump ice water...

  • ice cream headache 冰激凌头疼

    14-10-27 The ice cream headache , often called a brain freeze, is actually referred pain from the roof of the mouth which you feel coming from the temple area of your forehead when you suck cold beverages through a straw, sucking the liquid directly onto the...