• Splitting Ice

    11-03-02 Splitting Ice Kay Ryan Like standing on splitting(极快的,爆裂似的) ice one foot on one one on the other piece. Distressed(痛苦的) like the family of man at the divorce of the plates: some cast into a suddenly new world as though having sinned;...

  • 英国冰川曾在冰河时期缩减

    11-02-13 A set of maps created by the University of Sheffield have illustrated, for the first time, how our last British ice sheet shrunk during the Ice Age. Led by Professor Chris Clark from the University's Department of Geography, a team of experts develo...

  • 北极熊产仔率与海冰融化时间相关

    11-02-09 University of Alberta researchers Pter Molnr, Andrew Derocher and Mark Lewis studied the reproductive ecology(生态学) of polar bears in Hudson Bay and have linked declining litter sizes(同胎生仔数) with loss of sea ice. The researchers say proje...

  • 炎热的夏季可能放缓冰川的移动

    11-01-27 Hotter summers may not be as catastrophic for the Greenland ice sheet as previously feared and may actually slow down the flow of glaciers, according to new research. A letter published in Nature on 27 January explains how increased melting in warme...

  • 南极冰盖正在融化?

    10-10-31 The change in the ice mass covering Antarctica is a critical factor in global climate events. Scientists at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences have now found that the year by year mass variations in the western Antarctic are mainly attri...

  • 南极海冰增加之谜

    10-08-17 While Arctic sea ice has been diminishing(减少,衰减) in recent decades, the Antarctic sea ice extent has been increasing slightly. Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology provide an explanation for the seeming paradox(悖论,反论) o...

  • 无冰的海洋可能不会吸收二氧化碳

    10-08-03 The summer of 2010 has been agonizingly(使人烦恼地,苦闷地 ) hot in much of the continental U.S., and the record-setting temperatures have refocused attention on global warming. Scientists have been looking at ways the Earth might benefit from nat...

  • 极地号科考船开启北极考察之旅

    10-07-30 The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association for the first time sent its Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ( AUV自主水下航行器 ) on an under-ice mission at about 79 North. The four-metre-long, torpedo(鱼雷,水...

  • 寒潮袭击阿根廷 9人丧生

    10-07-20 A spell of extreme cold weather has brought ice and snow to much of Argentina, killing at least nine. 一股强冷空气袭击阿根廷,带来的冰雪造成至少9人丧生。 Most of the victims were homeless people in the capital Buenos Aires who died of hypothermia(...

  • 北极冰层厚度达到史上最低

    10-06-04 Less ice covers the Arctic today than at any time in recent geologic(地质的) history. That's the conclusion of an international group of researchers, who have compiled the first comprehensive history of Arctic ice. For decades, scientists have str...