• 帝企鹅长距离觅食时利用海冰休息

    12-11-23 For the first time, researchers tracking the behavior of emperor penguins near the sea have identified the importance of sea ice for the penguins' feeding habits. The research, published November 21 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Shinichi Wa...

  • 洋流活动可预测北极海冰的范围

    12-11-23 Each winter, wide swaths(细长的列) of the Arctic Ocean freeze to form sheets of sea ice that spread over millions of square miles. This ice acts as a massive sun visor(遮阳板) for Earth, reflecting solar radiation and shielding the planet from e...

  • 纽约大学化学家发现防冻分子

    12-11-20 Chemists at New York University have discovered a family of anti-freeze molecules that prevent ice formation when water temperatures drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Their findings, which are reported in the latest issue of the Proceedings of the N...

  • 南极海冰与气候变化

    12-11-13 The first direct evidence that marked changes to Antarctic sea ice drift have occurred over the last 20 years, in response to changing winds, is published this week in the journal Nature Geoscience. Scientists from NERC's British Antarctic Survey (B...

  • 海平面上涨总是超出预期值

    12-11-02 Sea levels are rising faster than expected from global warming, and University of Colorado geologist Bill Hay has a good idea why. The last official IPCC report in 2007 projected a global sea level rise between 0.2 and 0.5 meters by the year 2100. B...

  • 南北极海冰体积此消彼涨

    12-10-24 The steady and dramatic decline in the sea ice cover of the Arctic Ocean over the last three decades has become a focus of media and public attention. At the opposite end of Earth, however, something more complex is happening. A new NASA study shows...

  • 海水温度变暖将促使南极冰雪发生大转变

    12-09-20 Fast-flowing and narrow glaciers have the potential to trigger massive changes in the Antarctic ice sheet and contribute to rapid ice-sheet decay and sea-level rise, a new study has found. Research results published in the journal Proceedings of the...

  • 北极海冰缩减威胁海豹生存

    12-09-18 As sea ice in the Arctic continues to shrink during this century, more than two thirds of the area with sufficient snow cover for ringed seals to reproduce also will disappear, challenging their survival, scientists report in a new study. The ringed...

  • 冰川对气候变化的反应有多快

    12-09-14 A new Arctic study in the journal Science is helping to unravel(解开,阐明) an important mystery surrounding climate change: How quickly glaciers can melt and grow in response to shifts in temperature. According to the new research, glaciers on Ca...

  • 南极冰盖下储藏着大量甲烷

    12-08-30 The Antarctic Ice Sheet could be an overlooked but important source of methane(甲烷) , a potent(有效的) greenhouse gas, according to a report in the August 30 issue of Nature by an international team of scientists. The new study demonstrates tha...