• 南极海冰覆盖范围创新记录

    14-10-09 Sea ice surrounding Antarctica reached a new record high extent this year, covering more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists began a long-term satellite record to map sea ice extent in the late 1970s. The upward trend in the Antarcti...

  • Jane Eyre 简爱 Chapter 12

    14-09-28 THE promise of a smooth career, which my first calm introduction to Thornfield Hall seemed to pledge, was not belied on a longer acquaintance with the place and its inmates. Mrs. Fairfax turned out to be what she appeared, a placid-tempered, kind-na...

  • 冰河时期海平面每百年上涨5.5米

    14-09-26 Land-ice decay at the end of the last five ice-ages caused global sea-levels to rise at rates of up to 5.5 metres per century, according to a new study. An international team of researchers developed a 500,000-year record of sea-level variability, t...

  • 最后一个冰河时期 格陵兰岛气候温暖

    14-09-05 A new study of three ice cores from Greenland documents the warming of the large ice sheet at the end of the last ice age -- resolving a long-standing paradox over when that warming occurred. Large ice sheets covered North America and northern Europ...

  • 美国政府禁止官员参加冰桶挑战

    14-08-29 The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge might be a viral phenomenon, but some of official Washington's ethics police are throwing cold water on diplomats and House members taking part in the cause. 尽管冰桶挑战赛已经在全球掀起一股热潮,然而,美国政府道德委员会...

  • 北极海冰上的积雪正在变薄

    14-08-18 From research stations drifting on ice floes(冰川) to high-tech aircraft radar, scientists have been tracking the depth of snow that accumulates on Arctic sea ice for almost a century. Now that people are more concerned than ever about what is hap...

  • 上次冰河世纪末期南极冰原已变得不稳定

    14-05-29 A new study has found that the Antarctic Ice Sheet began melting about 5,000 years earlier than previously thought coming out of the last ice age -- and that shrinkage of the vast ice sheet accelerated during eight distinct episodes, causing rapid s...

  • 罕见大冰雹突降巴西圣保罗

    14-05-20 An unusually heavy hailstorm in Brazil's largest city, Sao Paulo, has brought residents out onto to the streets to play with the ice it left behind. 一场罕见的大冰雹突降巴西最大城市圣保罗,使广大居民走上街头玩耍冰雹带来的冰雪。 Children came out to...

  • 深海温度与冰雪容积共同影响冰河时期

    14-04-17 An international team of scientists has discovered new relationships between deep-sea temperature and ice-volume changes to provide crucial new information about how the ice ages came about. Researchers from the University of Southampton, the Nation...

  • 美食极客用冰淇淋演奏音乐

    14-03-16 冰淇淋既可以作为赢得小联赛的奖励,也可以用来抚慰分手后的悲伤。然而,在美食极客的手中,冰淇淋还可以成为一种美味的乐器。设计师Carla Diana和Emilie Baltz近来发起了一场音乐表演,一群四重奏演奏者聚集在一起,仅用一夸脱香草冰淇淋和一些高科技蛋筒进行表演。 I...