• 北极不冻期每十年延长五天

    14-03-06 The ice-free season across the Arctic is getting longer by five days per decade, according to new research from a team including Prof Julienne Stroeve (Professor of Polar Observation and Modelling at UCL Earth Sciences). New analysis of satellite da...

  • 冬奥会比赛项目相关词汇

    14-02-14 skating 滑冰 figure skating 花样滑冰 individual men 花样滑冰男子单人滑 pairs 花样滑冰双人滑 ice dancing 花样滑冰冰舞 speed skating 速度滑冰 men team pursuit 速度滑冰男子团体追逐 women 500m speed skating 速度滑冰女子500米 short track speed skating 短...

  • 美国海岸警卫队派破冰船救援中俄船只

    14-01-10 The US Coast Guard was dispatching a special ice-breaking cutter to help free two ships lodged in the Antarctic, officials announced Saturday. 美国海岸警卫队应澳大利亚海事安全局请求,派出北极星号破冰船前往救援被困南极的中俄船只。 The Chinese vessel...

  • 暴风雪造成北美部分地区供电中断

    13-12-24 Hundreds of thousands of households in Canada and the northern US are facing a Christmas without electricity after a severe ice storm on Sunday. 上周日加拿大和美国北部地区遭到一场严重的暴风雪袭击,数十万居民可能将因此度过一个无电的圣诞节。 About 400...

  • 格陵兰冰盖下暗藏巨大的蓄水层

    13-12-23 Researchers at the University of Utah have discovered a new aquifer(蓄水层) in the Greenland Ice Sheet that holds liquid water all year long in the otherwise perpetually(永恒地) frozen winter landscape. The aquifer is extensive, covering 27,000...

  • the bee's knees 非常出色

    13-12-23 Li: Oh, 今天天气这么好,户外野餐,没治了!Finn. Thank you for inviting me. Finn: Yes, Li. I thought we could enjoy this rare sunny day in London and I wanted you to try some of my new recipes. Li: 品尝你的新菜谱总是令我很开心啊,你可谓是一个真正的英...

  • To Winter

    13-12-19 To Winter Rebecca Dunham You are catch-less, you are my abandonment You are my very own sweet crone(老母羊) . Timeless slab of ice and raw scrub, you empty me to pitted fruit-stone, a sacrifice To the green, green moon. You stiffen, sexless as the...

  • 千年不变的阿尔卑斯山冰川正在融化

    13-12-12 Less than 20 miles from the site where melting ice exposed the 5,000-year-old body of tzi the Iceman, scientists have discovered new and compelling evidence that the Italian Alps are warming at an unprecedented rate. Part of that evidence comes in t...

  • 冰川融化时会发出嘶嘶声

    13-11-29 Scientists have recorded and identified one of the most prominent sounds of a warming planet: the sizzle(嘶嘶声) of glacier ice as it melts into the sea. The noise, caused by trapped air bubbles squirting out of the disappearing ice, could provide...

  • 活组织低温贮藏时的冰结晶问题将被解决

    13-11-06 Developing an efficient way to freeze and store living tissues could transform many aspects of medical care and research, but ice crystallization often occurs within cells during such cryopreservation procedures, leading to cell death. In the Novemb...