• 尹相杰非法持有毒品被判7个月监禁

    15-03-02 Famous Chinese singer Yin Xiangjie has been sentenced to 7 months in prison and fined 2000 yuan for illegal drug possession. 中国著名歌手尹相杰因非法持有毒品罪被判处7个月监禁并罚款两千元。 Singer Yin Xiangjie stands at the first trial where he was c...

  • 法律英语:International law 国际法

    14-12-26 Being sovereign and equal to others, a state has certain rights and corresponding duties. 作为独立、平等的主权国家,既享有某些权利,也承担相应的义务。 Both sides claimed the other side broke the peace agreement. 双方都声称对方破坏了和平协议。 Every...

  • 移民留学相关法律词汇 3

    14-12-16 grant n. 同意,准许,许可 household n.家庭,家庭组合 illegal a. 非法 illegal alien 非法移民 illegitimate a. 不合法的 illegitimate children 非婚生子女 immigrant n. 移民,侨民 immigrant a. 移民的,侨民的 immigrant visa 移民签证 immigration n. 移民;移居;移...

  • 法律英语:Contract&agreement 合同和协议 上

    14-11-25 A contract is established when the acceptance becomes effective. 承诺生效即合同成立。 A contract may be modified if the parties reach a consensus through consultation. 当事人协商一致即可以变更合同。 A person is not liable for debts contracted during...

  • visa scrutiny 签证审查

    13-01-14 Foreigners face visa scrutiny - Popular Beijing spots for foreigners, such as Sanlitun and university areas, will be targeted by police in a fresh drive against visitors who commit crimes, outstay their visas or gain illegal employment, authorities...

  • 2012美剧《权力的游戏》盗版最多

    12-12-31 据美国Torrentfreak网站年度调查显示,HBO大热美剧《权力的游戏》是2012年盗版最多的剧集,其中有一集的全球非法下载量高达428万,比预计的美国观众总数还要高。 Game of Thrones has emerged as the most-pirated TV show over the internet this year, according to...

  • illegal collection of evidence 非法取证

    12-10-11 Chinese lawmakers on Tuesday continued to read a draft amendment to the Criminal Procedural Law, suggesting more detailed stipulations to stem illegal collection of evidence . 全国人大常委会周二再次审议刑事诉讼法修正案草案,建议增加更多阻止非法取证...

  • 秘鲁警方缴获数万走私海马干

    12-08-24 Police in Peru have seized more than 16,000 dried seahorses which were to be exported illegally to Asian countries. 秘鲁警方缴获了16000多只海马干,这些海马干本来将被非法出口到亚洲国家。 Seahorse fishing has been banned in Peru since 2004 Seahorse po...

  • 奥巴马宣布停止遣返守法年轻非法移民

    12-06-19 About 800,000 young illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children could be spared deportation for at least two years under new rules announced on Friday by President Barack Obama that may appeal to Hispanic voters in an election year....

  • illegally possessing weapons 非法持有枪支

    12-05-31 Wang Shuo, deputy general manager of Beijing Wangfu Centurial Development, will stand trial for illegally possessing weapons and destruction of personal property. 北京王府世纪发展有限公司副总经理王烁因涉嫌非法持有枪支、以及估计损坏财务将被起诉。 文...