• 人类意识的奥秘

    12-04-05 Awakening from anesthesia(麻醉) is often associated with an initial phase of delirious(神经错乱的) struggle before the full restoration of awareness and orientation to one's surroundings. Scientists now know why this may occur: primitive conscio...

  • 利用医学成像技术深入了解鱼的感官系统

    12-03-13 University of Rhode Island marine biologist Jacqueline Webb gets an occasional strange look when she brings fish to the Orthopedics Research Lab at Rhode Island Hospital. While the facility's microCT scanner is typically used to study bone density a...

  • 美宇航局观测近期月球地质活动

    12-02-22 New images from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft show the moon's crust(外壳) is being stretched, forming minute valleys in a few small areas on the lunar surface. Scientists propose this geologic(地质的) activity occurred les...

  • 意服装品牌公布“摈弃仇恨”广告 宣扬和平

    11-11-26 意大利服装品牌贝纳通近期在巴黎公布了一系列主题为摈弃仇恨的广告,让互有矛盾的各国领导人通过影像合成的方式接吻,以宣扬宽容与和平。 At first, the images are shocking. President Obama planting a kiss on his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ab...

  • 法国10岁嫩模性高照片引热议

    11-08-08 近日,法国杂志Cadeaux的封面照片引起了人们的热议。照片中的模特是个年仅十岁的小女孩,她斜倚在豹纹枕头上,涂着红唇膏,穿深V上衣及细高跟鞋,表情冷酷地摆出诱人姿势。对此,英国母亲联盟发言人称,让一个十岁的孩子化着浓妆、穿着高跟鞋和领口快开到腰部的衣服,...

  • 埃及红外卫星图像发现隐密金字塔

    11-05-25 Seventeen lost pyramids are among the buildings identified in a new satellite survey of Egypt. 在对埃及进行的一项新卫星勘测时,发现了17座隐蔽的金字塔。 An infra-red satellite image shows a buried pyramid, located in the centre of the highlight box....

  • 工程师制造出3D显微镜镜头

    11-03-22 Engineers at Ohio State University have invented a lens that enables microscopic objects to be seen from nine different angles at once to create a 3D image. Other 3D microscopes use multiple lenses or cameras that move around an object; the new lens...

  • 2D图像转换为3D模式将成为可能

    11-01-20 It is possible to construct a three-dimensional, 3D, face from flat 2D images, according to research published in the International Journal of Biometrics(生物统计学) this month. The discovery could be used for biometrics in security applications o...

  • 揭开重恒星的形成之谜

    10-07-15 Our observations show a disc surrounding an embryonic(胚胎的) young, massive star, which is now fully formed, says Stefan Kraus, who led the study. One can say that the baby is about to hatch(孵化) ! The team of astronomers looked at an object k...

  • 研究人员利用噪音探测景象

    10-04-05 A new technique for revealing images of hidden objects may one day allow pilots to peer(凝视,窥视) through fog and doctors to see more precisely into the human body without surgery. Developed by Princeton engineers, the method relies on the surpr...