• 大羊驼血液中藏有战胜所有流感病毒的线索

    21-04-01 一组美国科学家在试图研发一种新型抗流感疗法的过程中请来了一位意想不到的 同伴 大羊驼。研究人员用羊驼的血液制造出了一种新的抗体疗法,这种疗法有可能消灭所有类型的流感病毒,包括突然暴发的流行病毒。 The influenza virus is the ultimate shape-shifter. Its c...

  • 中美科学家利用酶对抗艾滋癌症

    18-04-03 American and Chinese scientists have identified how a multi-functional enzyme works to fight diseases including HIV infection and autoimmune disorders. 来自美国和中国的科学家发现一种多功能酶,可以对抗包括艾滋病感染和自体免疫失调在内的疾...

  • 年长体胖的男性更长寿

    16-11-27 Pudgy older fathers live longer, are more attractive to the opposite sex and are better at passing on their genes than their leaner counterparts, scientists have claimed. 科学家表示,年长体胖的男性比偏瘦的男同胞更长寿,更吸引异性,生育能力也更强。 B...

  • 出生年代预示对特定流感的抵抗能力

    16-11-27 When flu strikes, why are some family members reduced to shivering wrecks under their duvets, while others get off with little more than a snuffle? 当流感来袭时,为什么有些人蜷缩在羽绒被下瑟瑟发抖,而有的人最多就是有点鼻塞呢? Scientists now have an...

  • 服用阿司匹林会增加怀男孩的可能性

    16-07-16 Women who take an aspirin before sex may increase the likelihood of conceiving a baby boy, suggest researchers. 美国的研究人员发现,女性若在性生活前服用阿司匹林,怀上男孩的可能性会增加。 In a recent study, women with a history of miscarriages were m...

  • 旧石器时代非洲即有人类迁徙活动

    16-05-31 The Palaeogenomics study conducted by the Human Evolutionary Biology group of the Faculty of Science and Technology, led by Concepcin de la Rua, in collaboration with researchers in Sweden, the Netherlands and Romania, has made it possible to retrie...

  • 早产儿的肠道细菌有广泛的抗生素耐药性

    16-03-08 A new study of gut bacteria in premature infants reveals the vast scope of the problem of antibiotic resistance and gives new insight into the extreme vulnerability of these young patients, according to researchers at Washington University School of...

  • 水稻免疫系统如何应对病害

    15-07-28 Biologists have discovered how the rice plant's immune system is triggered by disease, in a discovery that could boost crop yields and lead to more disease-resistant types of rice. Rice is central to the food security of more than half the world's p...

  • 维生素D影响人体对1型艾滋病毒的免疫反应

    15-06-16 Vitamin D plays an important part in the human immune response and deficiency can leave individuals less able to fight infections like HIV-1. Now an international team of researchers has found that high-dose vitamin D supplementation can reverse the...

  • 细菌如何识别自身DNA

    15-04-14 It may come as a bit of a surprise to learn that bacteria have an immune system -- in their case to fight off invasive viruses called phages. And like any immune system -- from single-celled to human -- the first challenge of the bacterial immune sy...