• LOLcat 欢乐喵星人

    15-03-16 LOLcat refers to pictures of cats you find all over the Internet accompanied with funny captions, typically with misspellings and incorrect grammar. Its use in this way is known as lolspeak or kitty pidgin. 欢乐喵星人指,你在网上发现的那些标有搞笑文...

  • Laugh

    14-08-27 No living creature can laugh except man. Trees may bleed when they are wounded, and beasts in the field will cry in pain and hunger, yet only I have the gift of laughter and it is mine to use whenever I choose. Henceforth I will cultivate the habit...

  • Enjoy Today's Laughter

    14-04-23 No living creature can laugh except man. Trees may bleed when they are wounded, and beasts in the field will cry in pain and hunger, yet only I have the gift of laughter and it is mine to use whenever I choose. Henceforth I will cultivate(培养,陶...

  • 人脑能够分辨真假笑声

    14-03-30 伦敦研究人员近日发现,我们在听到发自内心的笑声和虚情假意的笑声时,大脑会呈现出完全不同的反应。 Next time your boss tells a bad joke and you feel compelled to laugh, beware - they can tell you're faking it. Researchers from London have discovered our...

  • Don't make me laugh! 你太可笑了,别逗了

    13-12-23 Jennifer: Hi, I'm Jennifer and this is Authentic Real English. In this programme, we teach you about English words or phrases which you might not find in the dictionary. Here comes Feifei. Feifei: Hello Jen. 大家好!Jen 我有事儿要告诉你。 Jennifer:...

  • I will laugh at the world

    13-05-22 I will laugh at the world. No living creature can laugh except man. Trees may bleed when they are wounded, and beasts in the field will cry in pain and hunger, yet only I have the gift of laughter and it is mine to use whenever I choose. Henceforth...

  • 各种笑

    13-03-19 burst into gales of laughter 爆发出阵阵笑声 grin with delight 高兴的咧嘴而笑 a hearty burst of laughter 一阵爽朗的欢笑 in stitches 笑不可支 laugh at 嘲笑 burst into laughter 突然大笑 crack a smile 展颜微笑,莞尔一笑 explode with laughter 哄堂大笑 fo...

  • Interpreting a Laugh

    12-06-28 Huihua, a Chinese student, and Mary, an American student studying Chinese in China, were on their way to a bookstore. As they got to the bookstore, they saw a young man walking down a flight of stairs. In his hurry, he missed the last two steps, and...

  • The Realm Of The Unreal 1

    12-01-11 For a part of the distance between Auburn and Newcastle the road -- first on one side of a creek(小溪) and then on the other -- occupies the whole bottom of the ravine(沟壑,山涧) , being partly cut out of the steep hillside, and partly built up...

  • 奥斯彭向Susan大妈道歉

    09-11-13 Sharon Osbourne has said sorry for insulting Britain's Got Talent runner-up Susan Boyle on a US radio station. 莎朗奥斯彭因在一家美国电台上侮辱《英国达人》选手苏珊波伊尔而向其道歉。 Susan Boyle (r) recently appeared on America's Got Talent Osbourne...