• 中国发现世界上最早的人工合成铅白化妆品

    22-09-19 近日,中国科学院大学和陕西省考古研究院合作,对韩城梁带村遗址出土的春秋早期微型铜容器内的白色残留物进行了综合分析,结果证实白色残留物为人工合成的铅白化妆品遗存。这是迄今为止发现的世界上最早的人工合成铅白化妆品,比欧洲及环地中海地区要早近300年。 Chine...

  • take the lead 一马当先

    21-07-28 一马当先,汉语成语,意思是原指作战时策马冲锋在前(gallop at the head)。形容领先,积极带头。可以翻译为take the lead,be in the forefront等。 例句: 他干什么活儿都是一马当先。 He takes the lead in whatever work we do. 不管任务多么艰巨,他总是一马当先...

  • get a good lead 遥遥领先

    21-07-27 遥遥领先,汉语成语,意思是远远地走在最前面,多指成绩、比赛等大幅度领先,可以翻译为be far ahead,get a good lead或hold a safe lead。常见表达如比分遥遥领先(make a lopsided score)。 例句: 他们在民调中遥遥领先。 They are comfortably ahead in the opin...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 32

    21-02-24 Presently Mrs. Archer released her spasmodic grip on Strattons flannel shirt and fumbled for her handkerchief. Im a fool to--to waste time like this, she faltered, dabbing her eyes with the crumpled square of cambric. I think youre rather wonderful,...

  • To prove it 验证

    14-07-09 Someone asked a little boy: Is a pound of lead heavier than a pound of feathers? The boy quickly replied: Of course it is. When he was told You are wrong. They both weigh the same, he insisted that a pound of lead is the heavier. He said: To prove i...

  • 慢性铅中毒对山羊的影响

    14-02-11 The Nile is a river in Egypt. Sometimes that river is polluted with industrial waste, such as lead, which can cause detrimental(有害的) effects on local sheep and goats via the water supply. Kansas State University's Ronette Gehring is an associat...

  • 理查德三世墓地附近出土一口棺中棺

    13-07-30 Archaeologists have unearthed a mysterious coffin-within-a-coffin near the final resting place of Richard III. The University of Leicester team lifted the lid of a medieval(中世纪的) stone coffin this week -- the final week of their second dig at...

  • 太阳能电池易导致铅污染

    11-09-01 Solar power is not all sunshine. It has a dark side -- particularly in developing countries, according to a new study by a University of Tennessee, Knoxville, engineering professor. A study by Chris Cherry, assistant professor in civil and environme...

  • 'Safe' lead levels harm children 现行铅含量标准对儿童不“安

    09-09-18 Young children's exposure to lead in the environment is harming their intellectual and emotional development, according to UK researchers. 英国科学家警告,环境中的铅元素会损害幼童的智力和情感的发育。 Lead is linked to a number of health problems The...

  • Timms to lead 'Digital Britain' Timms将领导“数字化英国”的

    09-08-07 Treasury minister Stephen Timms is to take charge of delivering the plan for the future of the UK digital industry. 财政部部长Stephen Timms担负起执行未来英国数字化工业的计划。 Stephen Timms, left, once held the role of e-commerce minister Mr Timms,...
