• 发现:耐甲氧西林金葡菌某分支致死率非常高

    09-11-02 A strain of MRSA(耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌) that causes bloodstream infections is five times more lethal than other strains and has shown to have some resistance to the potent antibiotic drug vancomycin(万古霉素) used to treat MRSA, according to...

  • Jackson 'had lethal drug levels' 杰克逊尸检结果:“可以致死

    09-08-25 Pop star Michael Jackson had lethal levels of the powerful anaesthetic propofol in his body when he died, coroner's office documents show. 验尸官办公室文件显示,巨星Michael Jackson遗体内含有可以达到致死水平的强烈麻醉剂丙泊酚。 The findings were cont...
