• 看看孩子们在信上写的圣诞愿望清单

    15-12-27 The Christmas list. 圣诞愿望清单。 There's the request for the Nerf Rhino-Fire Blaster, or the desire for those little Monster High dollies of the night. But pull away from the kids you know and take a look at what's on the Christmas lists that end...

  • 美国圣诞老人小镇回复孩子信件已达百年

    15-12-24 An American town named Santa Claus is being inundated with letters from excited children in the hope they will reach Father Christmas. 一个名为圣诞老人的美国小镇被洪水般的信件淹没了。这些信件都是孩子们写给圣诞老人的,他们都满心期待圣诞老人能看到自己...

  • meh 随便

    15-08-20 Anyone who regularly uses chatrooms or instant messaging will almost undoubtedly be familiar with responses consisting only of this little sequence of three letters-- meh . For the uninitiated, meh is a new interjection peppering news items, message...

  • 英国女王招募可以帮她回信的人

    15-08-17 She gets around 60,000 letters a year. But now The Queen is looking for somebody to help write the replies. 英国女王每年会收到60000封左右的信。现在女王正在寻觅可以帮她回信的人。 The successful applicant must be capable of processing a large volume o...

  • 《在路上》作者逝世半世纪 书迷感谢信不断

    15-07-25 He was the man who inspired the Beat generation - and nearly half a century after his death Jack Kerouac is still receiving grateful letters from his fans. 杰克凯鲁亚克曾激励着美国垮掉的一代,他逝世近半个世纪后,还是不断有书迷给他写感谢信。 Most let...

  • 英国作家声称发现达西先生的人物原型

    15-05-08 It is a truth universally acknowledged that every woman is in search of her own Mr Darcy, but one author claims to have unearthed the original man who inspired Jane Austen's romantic hero. 这是一个举世公认的真理:每个女人都在寻找属于她们的达西先生。...

  • Pattern of Success

    12-07-04 Most people who want to get ahead spend useful time writing personal notes of gratitude(感谢的心情) , sympathy(同情,慰问) and congratulations. But when it comes to routine memos, letters, fact sheets and forms, they save a lot of time by relyin...

  • 奥巴马前女友曝光其早期情史

    12-05-05 Ex-girlfriends of President Barack Obama have spoken for the first time of his sexual warmth and disclosed the contents of love letters that he sent during his 20s, in a new biography. 奥巴马总统的前女友们首次谈及奥巴马的性爱热度,并在一本新传记中透...

  • 意大利一对夫妇成最高龄离婚者

    11-12-31 An Italian couple are to become the world's oldest divorcees, after the 99-year-old husband found that his 96-year-old wife had an affair in the 1940s. 意大利一对夫妇将成为世界上最高龄的离婚者。99岁的丈夫日前发现自己96岁的妻子在上世纪40年代有过一段...

  • 曼德拉家书尽显牢狱思念之苦

    10-10-11 Letters written by former South African president Nelson Mandela during his 27 years in jail reveal the agony of being separated from his family. 南非前总统纳尔逊曼德拉在27年的牢狱生活之中所写的信件寄托了其被迫离家的相思之苦。 Nelson Mandela was rel...