• 韩国出土上千汉字金属活字

    21-07-02 据韩联社29日报道,最近,韩国在首尔仁寺洞遗址发掘大量朝鲜王朝初期的文物。其中金属活字的出土,尤其引发关注。 韩联社称,这是韩国发现最早的韩文金属活字。 South Koreas Cultural Heritage Association (CHA) said movable metal type (printing) blocks, were fo...

  • 《实习生》精彩词句

    17-06-13 1. Sort of felt like I was playing hooky. 感觉有点像在旷工。 2. Come rain or shine, Im at my Starbucks by 7:15. 无论雨晴,每天7点15分前,我就在星巴克了。 3. I love them to pieces. 我爱死他们了。 4. Cover letters are so old-fashioned. 求职信太老套。...

  • 赫本所写数封私人信件将被拍卖

    16-06-19 An unprecedented insight into the private life of Audrey Hepburn has been revealed thanks to the sale of intimate letters written by the screen siren. 近日奥黛丽赫本所写的数封私人信件将被拍卖,给我们前所未有的机会来一窥这位银幕女神的私人生活。 The n...

  • A Better Mailman 一个更好的邮递员

    16-02-17 I worked as a mailman for a short time. However, I am afraid of dogs and I had a lot of trouble. One day I tried to deliver some letters to a big house. I started to open the gate and all of a sudden a huge dog ran towards me.It growled and barked a...