• the time is ripe 时机成熟

    22-08-17 1. The Time is Ripe. 时机成熟 When the time is ripe, its advantageous to undertake plans that have been waiting for awhile. Heres an example: Raphael was planning a trip overseas, and the time was finally ripe. 当时机成熟之际,实行已经酝酿好的计划是...

  • 没门儿

    22-08-16 1. Not on your life! 绝对不行! 2. No way! 没门儿! 3. Not a chance in the world! 绝对没戏! 4. Thousand times no! 绝对办不到! 5. Dont even think about it! 想都别想! 6. Hell no, please! 不可以啊! 7. Over my dead body! 除非我死了!...

  • 如何表达万分确定

    22-08-16 1. (There are) no two ways about it 英文中这个短语表示没有第二种选择、不可能有两种意见,强调一件事毫无疑问,别无选择! 例:It was the wrong decision - there are no two ways about it. 毫无疑问,这个决定是不对的! 2. You can bet your life 都说生命诚可...

  • trip和travel的区别

    22-08-15 一般情况下,trip是名词而travel是动词。 例如, I traveled to Germany last weekend.上周我去德国旅游了。 I took a trip.我去旅行了。 你也可以说to make a trip,但是这通常是短途出行而且有一定目的。 比如,I made a trip to the grocery store to buy some milk....

  • 死亡

    22-08-15 我们中国人通常都很忌讳说死这个字,古代按照等级的划分有天子死曰崩,诸侯死曰薨,大夫死曰卒,士曰不禄,庶人曰死的说法,现在我们会说一个人离开了我们、走了等。英语同样忌言死,虽然有die这个词,但口语中人们一般不用 die来直说死亡。 pass away和pass on都是暗...

  • 八月值得一看的5部国外新片

    22-08-08 Luck《祝你好运》 In the first full-length film from Skydance Animation, Tony Award-nominee Eva Noblezada provides the voice of Sam, the unluckiest person in the world. Having grown up in the care system, she hopes to nab some extra good luck for a f...

  • 无所谓

    22-08-04 1. be ok (fine) with 对无碍,不要紧 Whatever you think is fine with me. 随你怎么想,我无所谓。 2. give a damn 不在乎,不感兴趣(永远用于否定形式) He couldnt give a damn whether he passes the exam or not. 他对考试及格与否满不在乎。 3. suit yourself 随...

  • 包含水果的地道口语 下

    22-08-03 13.To go bananas is to become excited or crazed, and to drive (someone) bananas is to annoy or irritate someone. Go bananas变兴奋变疯狂,to drive (someone) bananas惹怒某人。 15.To cherry-pick is to select carefully. 精挑细...

  • 吵架必备神句-尔康篇

    22-08-02 Stop screwing/fooling/messing around!别鬼混了! Youre just a good for nothing bum!你就是一个废物! Dont give me your attitude. 别跟我摆架子。 Cant you do anything right?成事不足,败事有余。 Youre impossible. 你真不可救药。 Get away from me!有多...

  • 常用搭讪口语

    22-08-02 1. I dont know why, but I feel like Ive known you my whole life. 1.不知道为什么,但是我觉得在遇到你之前我就认识你了。 This line will let the other person know that you feel like you have a special connection to them and make them feel all warm and f...