• One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 11

    22-10-17 THE MARRIAGE was on the point of breaking up after two months because Aureli-ano Segun-do, in an attempt to placate Petra Cotes, had a picture taken of her dressed as the Queen of Madagascar. When Fernan-da found out about it she repacked her bridal...

  • 购物可以缓解压力

    22-10-17 你有过这样的体验吗?压力大的时候,逛逛超市,刷刷网店,下单一堆必需品和非必需品,这才总算舒坦了。 密歇根大学2021年的一项研究显示,购物可以满足人的控制欲,缓解压力的效果是只看不买的40倍,减轻悲伤的效果是其3倍。 According to a study done by University...

  • 决定身高这件事 遗传只占40%

    22-10-14 众所周知父母身高对下一代身高影响很大,传统上人们会根据父母身高来预测孩子身高,然而新研究发现,在决定身高这件事上,遗传因素只占40%,而营养等后天因素则占到了60%。 Parents worried that they may pass on their short stature to their children can rest eas...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 10

    22-09-13 It was still pretty early. Im not sure what time it was, but it wasnt too late. The one thing I hate to do is go to bed when Im not even tired. So I opened my suitcases and took out a clean shirt, and then I went in the bathroom and washed and chang...

  • abandon oneself to despair 万念俱灰

    22-09-08 万念俱灰,汉语成语,意思是所有的想法和打算都破灭了,形容极端灰心失望的心情。可以翻译为abandon oneself to despair,be tired of earthly life等。 例句: 他妻子死后,他似乎万念俱灰。 After his wifes death, he seemed to give himself over to despair....

  • 《魔发奇缘》第20章

    22-09-08 Before long, Rapunzel and Flynn reached the kingdoms gates. Pascal rode atop Maximuss head, grasping his ears and using them as reins. The little chameleon felt as if it was the biggest day of his life, too! As they approached a bridge and a group o...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第7章

    22-09-07 Well, Mother, theres something I want to tell you, Rapunzel said cautiously. Mother Gothel started to ramble about their earlier argument, telling Rapunzel that she was wrong and Mother Gothel was right. But Rapunzel remained focused. Okay, she said...

  • 月夜忆舍弟

    22-08-29 月夜忆舍弟 杜甫 戍鼓断人行,秋边一雁声。 露从今夜白,月是故乡明。 有弟皆分散,无家问死生。 寄书长不达,况乃未休兵。 THINKING OF MY BROTHERS ON A MOONLIT NIGHT 许渊冲 译 War drums break peoples journey drear; A swan honks on autumn frontier. Dew turn...

  • 《唐顿庄园》英式俚语:睡到自然醒

    22-08-26 1. 睡到自然醒 清晨六点,Daisy把各屋的女仆叫醒,这时Anna睡眼朦胧地说: Just for once in my life, Id like to sleep until I woke up natural. 哪怕这辈子只有一次,我真想睡到自然醒。 2. 太阳打西边出来 Mrs Patmore对早晨的炉火还很旺表示不可思议,她说: Oh,...

  • a stick-in-the-mud 老古板,顽固和墨守成规的人

    22-08-18 Stick这个词在这儿显然是名词,名词stick最普通的意思是棍棒。棍棒能牢牢地插在泥地里,没有松动的余地,当然a stick in the mud这个习惯用语是另有比喻意义的。它指某一种人。究竟是什么样的人呢?我们听个例子来体会吧。 这是个年轻人在描绘自己那位移民来美国的伯父...