• light的形容词和动词用法

    22-04-06 light做形容词,除了光亮的,明亮的的这个最常见意思,还有这几个含义: 1. 轻松的,愉快的 make light of sth 轻视,忽视(尤指问题) It is easy to make light of other peoples problems. 忽视他人的问题很容易。 2. 弱小的;少量的 light eater/drinker/smoker 饭...

  • 和light有关的实用表达

    22-04-06 1. cast/shed/throw light on sth 为提供解释;使较容易理解 His diary cast light on life in England in the seventeenth century. 他的日记使人了解17世纪英格兰的生活情况。 2. come to light(真相)为人所知,被披露 Fresh evidence has recently come to light...

  • 一些和旅游有关的习语

    22-04-02 1. at the crack of dawn 大清早,黎明,破晓时分 一大早就出发的旅行实在是不敢回想,困死宝宝了。 I was up at the crack of dawn to get the plane. 为了乘飞机,我破晓时就起身了。 2. travel light 轻装旅行 最怕大包小包的旅行啦,轻装上阵就好!这里的light是副...

  • Managerial Maintenance

    22-03-09 How many managers does it take to change a light bulb? 1) I want a detailed memo about this issue till tomorrows morning. 2) You were supposed to have changed that light bulb last week! 3) We havent got a policy on that. 4) I am on my way to a very...

  • 睡前玩手机8分钟会让大脑持续兴奋1小时

    22-03-07 据北京青年报报道,美国近日一项调查显示,睡前玩手机8分钟,会让大脑持续兴奋1小时。 医学研究发现,视网膜的内生感光视神经细胞只要受到蓝光8分钟刺激,就会让身体持续兴奋超过1小时,造成生物钟的混乱。 Digital screen time before bed can have a negative impact...

  • 如何调节抑郁情绪

    22-01-10 如果季节性抑郁已经给你带来了严重的心理痛苦和功能损伤,应该及时寻求专业帮助和治疗。当你的抑郁情绪尚属正常范围,达不到诊断标准,可参考以下建议来缓解抑郁情绪: 1、多晒太阳,尤其是在早上。即使工位不在窗边,也每天找时间去窗边坐一会儿。 Although any amoun...

  • light up 欣喜

    21-12-28 当某人 lights up, 这意味着他/她看起来很高兴或为什么事情而感到欣喜。 例句 Mum will light up when she realises weve planned a surprise party for her. My grandma would light up when she talked about the olden days. 请注意 另一个字面相似的短语 lighten u...

  • 撑过冬季带来的忧郁情绪

    21-12-20 冬天是否会让你郁郁寡欢?由于缺少阳光,很多人的心情都因此受到了影响。什么是 季节性情绪失调?有哪些方法能帮助我们熬过寒冷阴郁的冬季? Its the middle of winter, and the prospect of warm sunny days is a long way off. For some of us, its the most depress...

  • 用脚掌亲吻大地

    21-10-30 It was a day in late December. 那是十二月末的一天 The Christmas tree had been taken down. 圣诞树已经从街头搬走 The lights and decorations had been boxed up 彩灯和装饰物收回了盒子 and put in the closet 放回橱柜里 until next year. 等着明年再取出来 And...

  • 一朵有魔法的小花儿

    21-10-24 Me and my mom lived on the street. 我和妈妈居住的地方临着马路。 I loved to pick flowers. 我喜欢采花儿。 One day I was walking to the retail store 一天我步行去零售店 and I saw a a bright blue flower with a little purple. 我看到一朵花儿,花瓣是纯净的...