• 复兴号高寒动车组在中国最东端高寒高铁线路试跑

    21-08-17 8月15日7时50分,牡佳高铁联调联试现场首组CR400BF-G型复兴号高寒动车组从牡丹江站缓缓驶出,这是复兴号高寒动车组首次参与牡佳高铁(high-speed railway linking Mudanjiang and Jiamusi)联调联试。 It was the first time a Fuxing bullet train has run on Chinas...

  • to toe the line 循规蹈矩

    21-07-21 如果当某人被告知要 toe the line 那么就是要他服从命令,遵守规定。 例句 Although Mark disagreed with his manager about some things, he decided to toe the line because he wanted a promotion. If you want to get good grades you need to toe the line and d...

  • 北京地铁新机场线将使用无人驾驶列车

    19-01-30 On Tuesday, authorities with the Beijing Metro New Airport Line unveiled the new trains that will connect Beijings suburbs with Daxing International Airport, which is due to open later this year. 北京官员周二公布了连接北京郊区与大兴国际机场的地铁新...

  • 浙江舟山投入使用500千伏超高压输电线路

    19-01-17 Chinas largest and most complicated 500 kV ultra-high voltage power line in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, has been put into operation, setting a total of 14 world records, Chinanews.com reported on Wednesday. 中新网周三报道,中国最大、最复杂的500千伏...

  • 济南首条地铁开始运营

    19-01-02 People in Jinan, capital city of east Chinas Shandong Province, got one more reason to celebrate the New Year as their first metro line started operation Tuesday. 济南人民庆祝新年的理由多了一条:第一条地铁周二开始运营。 Earlier, Jinan, known as the...

  • 中国黎巴嫩将开设新航线

    18-11-22 Lebanons port of Tripoli and Chinese maritime transport company Cosco agreed on Wednesday to open a maritime line between China and the port for regular export of Chinese products, local media reported. 黎巴嫩的黎波里港与中国远洋运输集团将开发一条海...

  • 北京-天津城际动车将提速

    18-07-06 Chinas railway operator said Thursday the speed of Fuxing bullet trains running on the Beijing-Tianjin intercity rail will increase to 350 kph starting Aug. 8. 中国铁路总公司周四表示,往返北京-天津的复兴号城际动车从8月8日起将提速至350公里/小时。 Lu...

  • 成都开始建造超高速铁路

    18-06-21 A super high-speed railway line that makes use of high-temperature superconducting magnetic levitation and vacuum tube technology is under construction in southern China. 一条利用高温超导磁悬浮和真空管技术的超高速铁路在华南开工。 The line has the po...

  • 中企承建的巴基斯坦城市轻轨试运行

    18-05-30 The orange line, an urban light rail line built by Chinese companies, is operational in Lahore, Pakistan, reports the Economic Daily. 《经济日报》报道,由中国公司承建的巴基斯坦拉合尔城市轻轨线路橙线试运行。 With passenger flows of 250,000 per day, t...

  • 阿根廷购买200节中国产列车车厢

    18-04-25 Chinese railway giant CRRC has signed a contract worth 278 million U.S. dollars with Argentinas Ministry of Transport to provide 200 new subway cars, CRRC has announced through its official Wechat account. 中国中车在其官方微信号上宣布,该公司与阿根...