• zip one's lip 守口如瓶

    22-03-23 守口如瓶,汉语成语,字面意思是闭口不谈,像瓶口塞紧了一般(keep ones mouth shut as that of a jar)。比喻说话谨慎,严守秘密,可以翻译为 be tight-mouthed,button up ones mouth,或zip ones lip。 例句: 他对她的身份守口如瓶。 He closely guarded her ident...

  • pay lip service 敷衍,说空话

    22-02-18 生活中总免不了开口求人帮忙,最担心遇到不靠谱的人,嘴上虽然说着好好好,但用脚指头都能看出他在敷衍,这种行为可以这么说:pay lip service。 pay lip service就是说只动动嘴皮子,敷衍了事。当你感觉到别人对你说的事情不上心,嗯啊的只是在敷衍你,就可以说他在pa...

  • to give someone some lip 顶嘴,出言不逊

    21-09-01 To give someone some lip 的字面意思是给某人一些嘴唇,但实际表达的意思是顶嘴,出言不逊。 例句 That rude young boy gave me some lip when I asked him to stop smoking. She gave her neighbour some lip because she was in bad mood. Now he wants to move hou...

  • 住口

    21-08-23 01 drop it/ let it drop drop作动词,有下降;终止等意思,如果你因为某人一直谈论某事感到恼火,想让他停止谈论某事,便可以用drop it/ let it drop这个搭配来提醒对方别再提此事。 例句: Mary Ann wished he would just drop it. 玛丽安真希望他别再提这事了。 02...

  • 大白兔奶糖味润唇膏大受欢迎

    18-12-10 Lip balm with the flavor of Shanghais iconic White Rabbit Creamy Candy has gained a massive following since sales started earlier this year. 今年年初上市销售的上海大白兔奶糖口味的润唇膏已获大批追随者。 The lip balm, with the iconic white rabbit logo...

  • 化妆品常用词

    16-02-14 moisturizer 润肤乳 blush 腮红 brushes 刷子 lip liner 唇线笔 nail polish 指甲油 tweezers 镊子 nail polish remover 洗甲水 face wash 洗面乳 lipstick 口红 foundation 粉底霜 eyeliner 眼线笔 mascara 睫毛膏 nail file 指甲锉 lip gloss 唇彩...
