• 剑齿虎的灭绝与食物匮乏无关

    12-12-29 In the period just before they went extinct, the American lions and saber-toothed cats that roamed North America in the late Pleistocene were living well off the fat of the land. That is the conclusion of the latest study of the microscopic wear pat...

  • Evolution of sleep

    12-12-10 Sleep is very ancient. In the electroencephalographic(脑点图仪的) sense we share it with all the primates and almost all the other mammals and birds: it may extend back as far as the reptiles. There is some evidence that the two types of sleep, dr...

  • 外来物种的粪便对屎壳郎同有吸引力

    12-04-13 Although the preference of dung beetles(屎壳郎) for specific types and conditions of dung(粪) has been given substantial attention, little has been done to investigate their preference for dung from exotic mammals found on game farms or rewildin...

  • 大面积海洋保护区有利于保护海豚

    12-03-28 Ecologists in New Zealand have shown for the first time that Marine Protected Areas -- long advocated as a way of protecting threatened marine mammals -- actually work. Their study, based on 21 years' monitoring and published March 27 in the British...

  • 爱尔兰野生动物面临外来物种巨大威胁

    12-02-22 Some of Ireland's oldest inhabitants are facing serious threat and possible extinction because of foreign species, according to researchers at Queen's University. The red squirrel, Irish hare and red deer are just some of Ireland's indigenous(本土...

  • 哺乳动物体型处于趋减状态

    12-01-31 Just how big can mammals get and how fast can they get there? These are questions examined by an international team of researchers exploring increases in mammal size after the dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago. Research published in the...

  • 海洋哺乳动物如何减压

    11-12-22 Any diver returning from ocean depths knows about the hazard(危险) of decompression sickness (DCS) or the bends. As the diver ascends and the ocean pressure decreases, gases that were absorbed by the body during the dive, come out of solution and,...

  • 生态旅游对动物影响甚微

    11-11-25 Ecological tourism has no effect on the presence of large mammals in the Amazon, according to a study that for the first time compares the biological diversity of ecotourism(生态旅游) zones with that of protected areas. Furthermore, it can help to...

  • 幼年时期的大白鲨是笨拙的猎手

    10-12-03 The jaws of adolescent great white sharks may be too weak to capture and kill large marine mammals, according to a new study published in the Journal of Biomechanics(生物力学) by an international team of scientists. The researchers also found that...

  • 恐龙灭绝后 哺乳动物体型迅速增大

    10-11-26 Researchers demonstrate that the extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago made way for mammals to get bigger - about a thousand times bigger than they had been. The study, which is published in the prestigious(有名望的) journal Science, is the...