• 乌拉圭众议院通过大麻种植合法化法案

    13-08-01 Members of Uruguay's House of Representatives have passed a bill to legalise marijuana. 乌拉圭众议院议员投票通过了一项大麻种植合法化的法案。 Those supporting the bill want it passed quickly If it goes on to be approved by the Senate, Uruguay will be...

  • 吸食大麻能导致剧烈恶心、呕吐

    12-10-23 Marijuana use -- both natural and synthetic -- may cause cannabinoid hyperemesis(剧吐) (CH) a little-known but costly effect that researchers suggest is a serious burden to the health care system as it often leads to expensive diagnostic tests and...

  • 乌拉圭欲实行大麻销售国有化

    12-06-21 Uruguay has unveiled a plan to allow state-controlled sales of marijuana to fight a rise in drug-related crime. 乌拉圭计划实行国家控制大麻销售来抵抗不断上升的毒品犯罪率。 Under the bill, only the government would be allowed to sell marijuana to adul...

  • 布拉德·皮特曾因吸食大麻导致抑郁症

    12-01-29 好莱坞著名影星布拉德皮特日前坦言他曾因吸食过量大麻导致抑郁症。 Brad Pitt, nominated earlier this week for an Oscar, has admitted that he suffered from depression after he smoked too much marijuana(大麻) . Pitt, star of Moneyball, for which is nomi...

  • 墨西哥发现大片大麻种植地

    11-07-15 The Mexican army says it has discovered a huge field with mature marijuana in the northern state of Baja California. 墨西哥陆军称,他们在北部下加利福尼亚州发现一大片栽着成熟大麻的土地。 Soldiers were patrolling the area, some 300km (190 miles) south...

  • 墨西哥保安部队收缴105吨大麻

    10-10-19 Mexican security forces in the city of Tijuana, on the border with the US, have seized 105 tonnes of marijuana - the largest such drug haul for many years. 墨西哥与美国边境城市提华纳城保安部队收缴105吨大麻这是近几年来收缴数量最多的毒品。 The army sa...

  • 听大麻相关音乐的青少年更容易染上毒瘾

    09-12-23 Teens who frequently listen to music that contains references to marijuana大麻 are more likely to use the drug than their counterparts with less exposure to such lyrics歌词,抒情诗 , according to a University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine study o...

  • 玛丽莲·梦露吸大麻录像曝光

    09-12-05 A home movie showing a relaxed Marilyn Monroe apparently smoking marijuana has surfaced, retrieved from an attic some 50 years after it was filmed. 日前,玛丽莲梦露的一段被雪藏在阁楼50年的家庭录像曝光,从录像中可以看到玛丽莲梦露貌似正吸食大麻,看上...

  • 美国首家大麻餐馆开业

    09-11-21 美国首家大麻餐馆上周五正式开业。这家餐馆位于俄勒冈州波特兰,为当地持有大麻医用许可证的人提供大麻和吸食场所。一直力推大麻合法化的美国大麻种植法改革组织成员表示,这个餐馆的开业对他们来说代表着个人自由。这家餐馆每天的营业时间为早十点到晚十点,会员每月...

  • Argentina rules on marijuana use 阿根廷对个人大麻使用做出规

    09-08-26 The supreme court in Argentina has ruled that it is unconstitutional to punish people for using marijuana for personal consumption. 阿根廷最高法院裁定,在个人消费中使用大麻而遭到惩罚是违反宪法的。 The court said adults were free to make lifestyle de...