• 中国奥运军团田径项目创造历史

    21-08-05 8月3日,中国奥运军团再进3金,以32枚金牌追平了在2004年雅典奥运会上获得的金牌总数,这也意味着在金牌数上追平了中国在境外奥运会上的第二好成绩。 截至8月4日下午,中国军团仍居榜首,美国队以25枚金牌位居金牌榜次席,获得20枚金牌的日本队排名第三。 China became...

  • 奥运金牌并非纯金

    21-07-28 截至7月27日下午,中国体育代表团已经在东京奥运会上夺得9枚金牌。中国健儿捧起金牌的时刻令我们激动不已,不少观众都守在电视机前为他们加油助威。 细心的观众可能注意到,往届奥运会上,冠军们在拿到金牌后喜欢用牙咬一下,尤其是拍照的时候。这不禁让人好奇,奥运会...

  • 东京奥运奖牌将使用回收金属制造

    19-02-12 Tokyo Olympic organizers said that all its medals in the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic games are expected to be manufactured by recycled metals which are extracted from discard cameras, phones or laptops, according to an AP report. 东京奥运会主办单位...

  • 邹市明获2019吉尼斯世界纪录

    18-12-01 Chinese boxer Zou Shiming posted on Weibo on Wednesday to announce that he was listed in the Guinness World Records 2019 as the person who has won the most Olympic gold medals in mens light flyweight boxing. 中国拳击手邹市明周三发微博宣布,他获选201...

  • 平昌冬奥会为什么给获奖选手颁发小玩具?

    18-02-22 Eagle-eyed viewers watching the 2018 Winter Olympics have spotted that athletes are no longer being presented with flowers and medals after competing, but a little stuffed animal when they step onto the podium. 眼尖的平昌冬奥会观众已经发现,赛后当获...

  • 里约奥运奖牌出现生锈或落屑问题

    17-05-27 Olympic medals for more than 130 winners from the Rio de Janeiro Games last summer are rusting or chipping, according to officials. 巴西奥组委官员表示,130多名里约奥运会获胜者的奖牌出现生锈或落屑问题。 Were seeing problems with the covering on betwe...

  • 日本或用电子垃圾回收金属制造奥运奖牌

    16-08-27 Japan is exploring the feasibility of forging the Olympic 2020 medals using precious metals salvaged from electronic waste. 日本正在探索使用电子垃圾中回收利用的贵金属来制造2020年东京奥运会的奖牌。 Members of Japans Olympic organising committee table...

  • 奥运会人均奖牌数 芬兰第一

    16-08-08 There are no prizes for knowing that the US has won more Olympic medals than any other country since the first modern summer games were held in 1896. 自1896年第一届现代夏季奥运会举办以来,美国队获得的奖牌总数比其他国家都要多。这是人尽皆知的事实。 Ku...

  • 里约奥组委公布2016奥运奖牌

    16-06-19 Rio 2016 organisers have revealed the medals that will be competed for at this summers Olympics. 2016年里约奥运的组委会公布了今夏奥运赛场将竞逐的奖牌。 A total of 2,488 medals, each weighing 500g, have been produced - with 812 gold, 812 silver and 8...

  • 英国公布奥运会奖牌图案

    11-07-28 The Princess Royal has unveiled the London 2012 gold medals as the one-year countdown to the Olympics began. 2010年伦敦奥运会一周年倒计时开始之际,英国长公主公布了金牌设计方案。 The medals depict(描述) the Greek goddess of victory, Nike, stepping...
