• 《头脑特工队》第10章

    22-09-02 Chapter 10 When the sky finally brightened, Joy was still dragging Sadness through the winding memory shelves. Rileys awake, Joy said with a sigh. She couldnt believe they had walked the entire night and they were still trying to get through Long-Te...

  • 《头脑特工队》第9章

    22-09-02 Chapter 9 Joy and Sadness gazed down over the edge of the cliff at the endless drop below. They couldnt believe it: a huge hollow space hung where Goofball Island used to be. The island had completely disappeared. Sadness was immediately worried. We...

  • 《头脑特工队》第7章

    22-09-02 Chapter 7 BLAM! Joy shot out of the tube and landed in a basket of memories. Sadness fell out next, crashing hard against the ground next to Joy. The core memories rolled in different directions. Joy frantically gathered them up. One, two, three oka...

  • 中午小憩好处多多

    22-04-13 对忙碌的上班族来说,中午抽点时间打个盹简直是一种奢侈的享受。小憩一下既能缓解由于夜晚睡眠不足而导致的精神不佳,又可给大脑充电,让接下来的工作更加有效率。适时小憩还可以降低患心脏病和中风风险、帮助保持身材等,这些理由还不够让你打个盹吗? Naps can charg...

  • 我们早期的记忆是真的吗

    22-03-30 你最珍视的一段童年记忆是什么?一些研究的结果可能会让你感到惊讶:人们早期的记忆不一定准确。这究竟是为什么? Whats the first thing you remember doing? It could be playing with your friends at school, or going to a birthday party and eating amazing cak...

  • 坚持新年计划的五个技巧

    22-01-05 1.Make a cue-based plan 做一份详细的计划 Just as cues tell Broadway stars when to step onto the stage, research has shown that adding a cue to your plan helps you remember when to act. Be sure to detail when and where youll follow through. 正如出场...

  • 我们为什么会忘事?

    21-11-12 大脑总是在忙着储存信息,但有时候,我们却很难回想起事情。你听说过 门口效应 吗? How is your memory? Remembering things is an important function of our brain if we cant recall how to do something, we cant survive. If you think about it, there is so mu...

  • be engraved in/on one's mind/memory “刻骨铭心

    21-09-25 刻骨铭心,汉语成语,字面意思是imprint on the bones and inscribe on the memory,形容留下的印象极其深刻,永远忘不了。可以翻译为be engraved in/on ones mind/memory等。 例句: 你是否曾经历过刻骨铭心的爱? Have you ever experienced an unforgettable love s...

  • 为什么你总是感觉很疲倦 下

    21-09-25 6. Leaving off in the wrong spot 活儿干到一半就放下 Thanks to things like time constraints and incessant interruptions, its not uncommon to find yourself setting aside half-completed tasks in order to deal with something urgent thats come up or has...

  • live on in the memory 在记忆中留存

    21-07-14 表达 live on in the memory 或 live in the memory 的含义和记忆有关,它指过去的事情或经历仍留存在记忆当中,或对人产生了持久的影响。在这里,词组 live on 的含义和 endure 相似,可以表示事物持久、继续地存在。 例句 Although our grandfather has passed away,...