• Netflix新出品韩剧《Move to Heaven》

    21-06-06 Netflix出品的韩剧《Move to Heaven》一路冲上豆瓣一周全球口碑剧集榜第二,评分高达9.2,这是一部什么样的剧呢? 这部看标题很日剧其实很韩剧的《遗物整理师》,如其名,是一个个围绕死亡开展的故事。 Clothes left unworn, books meticulously curated across the ye...

  • 语言学学士教你背单词

    21-06-06 来自 Joonas Vakkilainen 的回答(芬兰语学士): My method is write and pronounce. Writing words on paper leaves a visual memory trail of the words. If you just look words, you may forget them quickly, but writing them makes you concentrate on them mo...

  • 关于惜时的名句英译

    21-05-14 盛年不重来,一日难再晨。 及时当勉励,岁月不待人。 晋陶渊明《杂诗》十二首之一 The exuberant years of life will not return, The morning of the day does not repeat itself. Seize your time and brace yourself up, For time does not stop to wait for you. T...

  • remain fresh in one's memory 记忆犹新

    21-04-06 记忆犹新,汉语成语,意思是过去的事,至今印象还非常清楚,就像刚才发生的一样,比喻记忆深刻。可以翻译为remain fresh in ones memory,still vivid in ones memory。 例句: 那次聚会在他脑海中记忆犹新。 The party was still fresh in his memory. 这件事我记忆犹...

  • 人类早期记忆的谜团

    21-02-25 童年期遗忘的谜团过去一个世纪以来一直困惑着科学家们。为什么在人类的幼儿期,一个充满体验和学习新事物的阶段,却被许多难以理解的事物而笼罩? What is your earliest memory? For me, I have a hazy recollection of standing in a leafy garden surrounded by sil...

  • 玩具带来的快乐

    21-01-03 Im sure we all have childhood memories what we did at school, the food we ate, the games we played. But perhaps the most vivid recollections are those of the toys we played with. There were many gadgets that may seem unsophisticated now but were the...

  • 互联网正在改变我们大脑的结构和功能

    20-09-19 From gathering food to finding a mate and communicating with other members of society, many of the most basic human activities are now being carried out in the virtual realm. It should come as little surprise, then, that the multitude of brain regio...

  • remember和remind的用法区别

    20-09-03 Both remember and remind are verbs about memory, but they are not the same. Remember 和 remind 都是描述 记忆 的动词,但含义和用法不同。 1. Remember is about having a memory and has two verb patterns. Remember 的意思是 记得、回想起。表达这个意思时,...

  • 遇到难题不妨先睡一觉再说

    19-11-12 It is often said that the best way to get to the bottom of a hard problem is to sleep on it. But how accurate is this advice? 关于如何追根究底找到解决问题的方法,通常有个普遍的说法最好先睡上一觉,或许会找到解决方案。不过这个说法到底有几分可信度呢?...

  • 小米发布MIX3

    18-10-26 Chinese mobile phone company Xiaomi launched their new MIX3 in Place Museum in Beijing today. 中国手机生产商小米今天在北京故宫博物院发布MIX3。 The new smart phone features include a full screen, as well as dual front and rear cameras. But most impor...