• 男士缩胸手术英国盛行

    10-02-06 英国美容整形外科医生协会最近的一份报告称,男士缩胸手术已经连续两年成为英国美容整形行业增长最快的一个分支,去年的手术数量为581例,增长率高达80%。外科医生们认为,促使男士们缩减胸围的部分原因来自时尚杂志上猛男们的图片,那些拥有完美身材的男模给了普通男...

  • 英国十分之一男性偷用伴侣美容用品

    10-01-31 One in ten British men have admitted using their partner's make-up, a survey claimed. 一项调查称,英国十分之一的男性承认自己曾用过伴侣的化妆品。 A growing number of men admit to using their partner's makeup, the survey found. A growing number of mal...

  • 大多数欧洲男子是近东农民的后裔

    10-01-21 A new study from the University of Leicester has found that most men in Europe descend from起源于 the first farmers who migrated from the Near East 10,000 years ago. The findings are published January 19 in the open-access journal PLoS Biology. The...

  • 大多数欧洲男子是近东农民的后裔

    10-01-21 A new study from the University of Leicester has found that most men in Europe descend from起源于 the first farmers who migrated from the Near East 10,000 years ago. The findings are published January 19 in the open-access journal PLoS Biology. The...

  • FBI介入调查巴基斯坦逮捕美国嫌疑犯事件

    09-12-10 The FBI is investigating the arrest in Pakistan of five reported US men on suspicion of extremist links. FBI介入调查五名美国人涉嫌与极端分子联系而被巴基斯坦当局逮捕一案。 The FBI is probing if the men are those missing from Virginia The men were arr...

  • 研究:留唇须的人挣钱多

    09-10-17 美国新近的一项研究显示,留唇须的男士更有可能获得高薪工作。这项研究是由美国金融服务提供商Quiken和美国八字胡学会在2009年1月到6月间,对三组各2000名留唇须、留络腮胡和不留胡子的男士进行随机调查后共同执行的。研究结果发现,留唇须的美国男士的平均收入比留络...

  • Are men romantic? 谁说男人不浪漫?

    09-09-29 在那些浪漫被认为是必须的时刻,比如情人节、生日或者纪念日,我们应该记住,我们应该将感情与行为相区分。男人们也许不会做那些展现他和恋人一起度过的日子的剪贴簿,但是他们和女人们一样的去爱,忠诚,是的,这就是浪漫有时,他们甚至比女性更浪漫! We too often d...

  • Can men be taking to eyebrow-grooming? 英国男人爱上修眉

    09-09-27 Noel Gallagher of Oasis arrives at the Brit Awards in London, February 14, 2007. British men are becoming increasingly interested in having their eyebrows professionally groomed, according to Debenhams department store which plans to hold men-only g...

  • Left-handed underwear for men 英国商店推出男士左撇子内裤

    09-09-27 英国一家商店正在推广一款专为男性左撇子设计的内裤,称这一创新可以有效解除这一人群在小便时的费力和尴尬。据报道,新式内裤把传统内裤靠右手处的垂直开口改为水平开口,打破了长达75年的传统。英国约有10%的男性是左撇子,但Y字形内裤自1935年发明以来,一直只在右...

  • Men spending more time in the kitchen 调查:男性下厨成新潮流

    09-08-22 According to research by Prof Jonatahn Gershuny, who runs the Centre for Time Research at Oxford, men now spend more than half an hour a day cooking, up from just 12 minutes a day in 1961 Men are spending more and more time in the kitchen encouraged...