• 中国海军发行亚丁湾护航10周年纪念封

    18-12-28 For the 10th anniversary of the first escort mission by the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) Navy in the Gulf of Aden, the PLA Navy issued a series of 32 commemorative envelopes on Wednesday. 为纪念中国海军在亚丁湾首次执行护航任务10周年,海军周三发行一...

  • 中国将向马里派遣395位维和人员

    18-04-19 China will dispatch 395 peacekeepers in May to Mali for one year on a UN mission. 中国将于五月向马里派遣一支395人的维和人员参加联合国任务。 Officially formed on Wednesday, the battalion will be Chinas sixth batch of peacekeepers to be deployed in Ma...

  • 中国空军进行公海训练任务

    18-03-26 The Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force recently conducted a high-sea training mission in the West Pacific and a joint combat patrol mission in the South China Sea, an air force spokesperson confirmed Sunday. 中国人民解放军空军发言人周日证实,近...

  • 中国航母编队进行例行训练

    17-06-25 A flotilla with aircraft carrier Liaoning set out from Qingdao in east China on Sunday for a routine training mission, a military statement said. 一份军方声明说,辽宁号航母与一支小舰队周日从青岛出发进行例行训练任务。 The naval formation includes des...

  • 中国科学家计划在月球上种番茄

    17-06-14 Scientists in China have unveiled multiple tasks they plan to carry out as part of the lunar exploration program at the just-concluded Global Space Exploration Conference (GLEX 2017) in Beijing. 刚刚结束的2017北京全球太空探索会议上,中国科学家展示了...

  • 蛟龙号马里亚纳海沟潜水6699米

    17-05-31 Chinas manned submersible Jiaolong descended to 6,699 meters in the Mariana Trench on Tuesday, recording images of two swimming snailfishes. 中国蛟龙号载人潜水器周二在马里亚纳海沟潜入6699米深的海底,拍到两种狮子鱼游泳的照片。 Tuesdays mission was Ji...

  • stay true to the original self 不忘初心

    16-07-31 Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Friday called on his comrades to stay true to the mission taken up by the CPC 95 years ago. 中共中央总书记习近平上周五号召同志们不忘初心,不要忘记中国共产党95...

  • 美国宇航局的火星探索之旅刚开始

    16-02-28 NASA astronaut Scott Kelly paved the way for future missions when he embarked on a one-year mission in space along with Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko. Kelly will be the first American to complete such a long-duration mission, and one of the fi...

  • 《碟中谍:神秘国度》首映式在上海举行

    15-09-08 Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation has been released in Shanghai yesterday. 《碟中谍:神秘国度》首映式已在上海举行。 The movie is set to hit Chinese theaters nationwide tomorrow. Leading actor Tom Cruise along with Rebecca Ferguson has attended the pr...

  • 西蒙·佩吉计划推《碟中谍5》

    15-04-23 Simon Pegg and Tom Cruise have turned out at this year's CinemaCon convention in Las Vegas to promote Mission Impossible 5. 西蒙佩吉与汤姆克鲁斯共同出席在拉斯维加斯举办的本年度电影大展,为《碟中谍5》造势。 The latest installment of the franchise has...