• Time is money 时间就是金钱

    12-06-01 As the taxi came to a screeching(尖叫) halt at a traffic light, I asked the driver, Do you agree that 'Time is money'? Well, it's a very common saying. Who will care so much about that? the driver answered. Look, the digits in the meter(仪表) ar...

  • 英国ATM故障吐双倍现金 银行不追究顾客责任

    12-05-26 Hundreds of people cashed in after an ATM machine began paying out double - and a bank said they can keep the unexpected windfall. 英国某地一台ATM机发生故障,在顾客取款时会吐出双倍数额的现金,有数百名顾客趁机取款,但银行表示大家可以留下这份飞来横财...

  • 美国女子假装病重骗钱办婚礼

    12-05-26 为了一场完美婚礼和加勒比海岛蜜月之旅,美国纽约州一名女子假装成癌症末期患者骗取了周围好心人1.3万多美元的资助。日前,这名女子刚刚服完8周的刑期出狱,她还须将骗来的资金如数还给那些好心人,完成300小时的社区服务,另需监外察看五年。 Jessica Vega, 25, plead...

  • A Boy with a Mission

    12-04-12 In 1945, a 12-year-old boy saw something in a shop window that set his heart racing. But the pricefive dollarswas far beyond Reuben Earle's means. Five dollars would buy almost a week's groceries for his family. Reuben couldn't ask his father for th...

  • 《大地惊雷》六

    12-03-28 精彩对白 Mattie Ross: Where is Mr. LeBoeuf? Rooster Cogburn: Down by the creek performing his necessaries. Mattie Ross: Well, Marshal Cogburn, I welcome the chance for a private parley . I gather that you and Mr. LeBoeuf have come to some...some sor...

  • 人的性格可以随时间而改变

    12-03-07 People's personalities can change considerably over time, say scientists, suggesting that leopards really can change their spots. Psychologists from The University of Manchester and London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) also showed...

  • 《大地惊雷》一

    12-03-01 精彩对白 Keeper: Is that the man? Mattie Ross: That is my father. Keeper: If you would like to kiss him, It would be all right. Yarnell: He's gone to heaven. Praise the Lord . Mattie Ross: Why is it so much? Keeper: The quality of the casket. And of...

  • ill-gotten money 赃款

    12-01-30 South China's Guangdong province may reward those who report corruption according to the amount of ill-gotten money involved in the case, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,广东省将对举报贪官的人予以奖励,奖金具体数额将与追赃金额挂钩。 文中的ill-...

  • 英170亿镑高铁项目遭强烈反对

    12-01-16 David Cameron has been warned by his chief fundraiser that he faces a backlash from grassroots Tories and donors over the Coalition's proposed high speed rail link. 英国首相大卫卡梅伦的主要筹款人警告他说,他将因为联合政府提出的高铁项目而遭到来自基层...

  • 女性数量少会导致男性花钱散漫

    12-01-13 The perception(知觉) that women are scarce leads men to become impulsive, save less, and increase borrowing, according to new research from the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management. What we see in other animals is that when femal...