• The way to lift up your mood

    13-05-02 The Everyone has periods in their lives when everything seems very hard, when there's nobody to talk to and the mood is just getting worse and worse. But why sit and think how pathetic you are? There are some things that may help you lift up your mo...

  • 都市生活压力大

    11-06-23 Being born and raised in a major urban area is associated with greater lifetime risk for anxiety and mood disorders. Until now, the biology for these associations had not been described. A new international study, which involved Douglas Mental Healt...

  • 讲故事疗法可有效缓解老年痴呆症

    11-02-26 Nearly 16 million Americans will be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or another type of dementia(痴呆) by 2050, according to the Alzheimer's Association. Symptoms(症状) include mood and behavior changes, disorientation(迷失方向) , memory los...

  • 瑜伽练习可改善情绪、减轻焦虑

    10-11-12 Yoga has a greater positive effect on a person's mood and anxiety level than walking and other forms of exercise, which may be due to higher levels of the brain chemical GABA according to an article in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary(...

  • 某迷幻剂可提高晚期癌症患者的情绪

    10-09-07 In the first human study of its kind to be published in more than 35 years, researchers found psilocybin(墨西哥致幻菌素) , an hallucinogen(迷幻剂) which occurs naturally in magic mushrooms, can safely improve the moods of patients with advanced-...

  • 维他命D可在寒冬提升情绪

    10-03-04 A daily dose of vitamin D may just be what Chicagoans need to get through the long winter, according to researchers at Loyola University Chicago Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing (MNSON). This nutrient lifts mood during cold weather months when day...

  • 研究:负面情绪也有益处

    09-11-21 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学心理学教授约瑟夫弗格斯新近的一项研究发现,负面情绪能够提高人们的判断力,让他们少受骗;同时还能增强记忆力。这项研究显示,处于负面情绪中的人对周围环境关注更多,也更具批判性;而相比之下,开心的人们不太注意周围环境,而且很容易相信...

  • 实验:基因剔除白鼠容易兴奋

    09-11-14 Removing the PKCI/HINT1 gene from mice has an anti-depressant-like and anxiolytic(抗焦虑药)- like effect. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Neuroscience applied a battery of behavioral tests to the PKCI/HINT1 knockout animals, con...

  • 发现:抗抑郁药“可立即起作用”

    09-10-26 Antidepressants get to work immediately to lift mood, contrary to current belief, UK researchers say. 英国研究人员称,与现行的观念相反,抗抑郁药可以立即起到提高情绪的作用。 The drugs appear to promote positive thinking Although patients may not noti...

  • Most women prefer working for men 调查:女人更愿意为男上司工

    09-08-22 Two thirds of women prefer working for male bosses because they are better managers and less prone to moods, a study has suggested. Two thirds of women prefer working for male bosses because they are better managers and less prone to moods, a study...