• 蚊子的嗅觉在夜间更灵敏

    13-09-02 In work published this week in Nature: Scientific Reports, a team of researchers from the University of Notre Dame's Eck Institute for Global Health, led by Associate Professor Giles Duffield and Assistant Professor Zain Syed of the Department of Bi...

  • 改变蚊子基因以控制疾病传播

    13-03-22 Virginia Tech researchers successfully used a gene disruption technique to change the eye color of a mosquito -- a critical step toward new genetic strategies aimed at disrupting the transmission of diseases such as dengue fever(登革热) . Zach Ade...

  • 蚊子基因组可用于研究疟疾防治

    12-10-08 An African mosquito species with a deadly capacity to transmit malaria(疟疾) has a perplexing evolutionary history, according to discovery by researchers at the Fralin Life Science Institute at Virginia Tech. Closely related African mosquito speci...

  • 基因改良过的细菌可使蚊子停止传播疟疾

    12-07-17 Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute have genetically modified a bacterium commonly found in the mosquito's midgut(中肠) and found that the parasite that causes malaria in people does not survive in mosquitoes carrying the m...

  • 斯里兰卡53人因防蚊不利被捕

    12-07-07 因未能清理居住环境周边的积水和蚊子滋生地,导致登革热病菌传播,斯里兰卡首都科伦坡日前有53人被警方逮捕,他们将面临罚款及最高6个月的入狱处罚。 Police arrested 53 people for failing to eliminate stagnant water(积水,死水) and other mosquito breeding g...

  • 蚊子如何在雨中飞行

    12-06-06 A mosquito's tiny, low-weight body is the key to its ability to survive flying in the rain, according to scientists. 科学家称,蚊子微...

  • 新线索有助抵御登革热

    10-05-07 New clues into how the body fights off the tropical disease dengue fever could help in the search for a vaccine. 人体如何抵御热带疾病登革热所带来的新线索将促进其疫苗的研究工作。 Dengue fever is transmitted by a mosquito bite The research, published...

  • 基因改造蚊子可能成为对抗疟疾的“飞行接种员”

    10-03-21 Mosquitoes transmit infectious diseases to millions of people every year, including malaria(疟疾) for which there is no effective vaccine. New research published in Insect Molecular Biology reveals that mosquito genetic engineering may turn the tr...

  • 使猴子免于屈公病的疫苗处于试验阶段

    10-03-05 Imagine a mosquito- borne(忍受,负荷) virus that has already infected millions of people in recent outbreaks in South and Southeast Asia, the islands of the Indian Ocean, Africa and northern Italy. Although seldom fatal(致命的,毁灭性的) , it ca...

  • 干预蚊子交配以阻止疟疾传播

    09-12-23 Scientists believe it may be possible to combat malaria by interfering with the sex lives of the mosquitoes which spread the disease. 科学家相信通过干涉传播疟疾的蚊子的交配过程就可能战胜疟疾。 Anopheles mosquitoes spread malaria They have shown that...