• 《摩纳哥王妃》精彩词句

    23-01-31 Cubby Broccoli just made a spy movie with some Scottish fellow hes raving about. 艾伯特布罗克里刚跟一个他极力称赞的苏格兰人做了一个间谍片。 People dont just speak their minds. 人们不直白地说出自己的想法。 Yes, I told Wasserman Id leave Universal if...

  • 《飞屋环游记》第1章

    23-01-28 Young Carl Fredricksen sat in the darkened movie theater, wearing his leather flight helmet. He straightened in his seat as a newsreel flickered onto the screen. The newsreels were Carls favorite part of going to the movies. They were full of inform...

  • 电影

    22-10-24 喜爱观看和谈论电影的朋友们快来测测你对影视行当的热门词语知道多少。《英语小测验》挑战你的英语知识! 1. I prefer to watch _____________ English-language films so I can hear the actors real voices. a) dubbed b) subtitled c) translated d) transcribed 2....

  • 坏人

    22-07-26 1. That salesman is a real crook. 那个销售员纯粹是个骗子。 Crook在英文中除了有弯曲的意思,还可以指不诚实的人。 想一想让你上当受骗的人,在你眼中是不是很差劲儿? 2. Her mother-in-law is a bitter old witch. 她的婆婆是个尖酸刻薄的老巫婆。 大家都知道witc...

  • 接地气儿的习语 8

    22-07-06 Nuke 用微波炉加热 例句: Dont nuke an egg. It will explode in the microwave. 千万别把鸡蛋往微波炉里搁,它会爆炸的。 Out of this world 极好的,非凡的 例句: The movie totally blew me away. It was really out of this world. 这部电影彻底震撼到我了,真的...

  • 周末如何度过

    22-07-04 go out to eat 下馆子 go out (to a bar or club) 泡吧、泡夜店 see a movie 看电影 chill out at home 在家放松 sleep in 睡懒觉 catch up on sleep 补眠 lay around the house 懒在家里 do some housework 做家务 spend time with your family 陪陪家人 get together...

  • 约会口语-约会安排

    22-06-10 你约别人干神马?吃饭好不?看电影咋样?给一个对方不忍 Say No 的理由吧~ 1. Would you like to go to a show with me? 你愿意和我一起去看演出吗? 2. Id like to invite you to a show. 我想邀请你去看演出。 3. I heard that movie, Spectre, is about to hit the...

  • 打招呼交朋友如何开口 2

    22-05-26 11. Do you have a favorite local restaurant? 你有最喜欢的餐厅吗? 这个问题能让人们谈论起日常休闲的地方,使大家放松。 12. Whats your favorite movie? 你最喜欢哪部电影? 人们对电影的喜好能反映个人特点。接下来还可以问些具体的问题,比如谁最抢戏、片中的演...

  • 如何评价一部电影——台词 lines

    22-05-11 The actress speaks out her part in a ringing voice. 女演员把台词念得清晰嘹亮。 His lines isnt more than three sides. 他的台词不超过三页。 The actors witty ad libs flavoured the whole performance. 那演员即兴插入的诙谐台词给整个演出增添了风趣。 In the...