• 6部经典感恩节电影

    21-11-29 A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973)《查理布朗的感恩节》 A true classic, this Peanuts cartoon gives many viewers a sense of nostalgia. Return to the iconic moment when Lucy pulls the football away from Charlie Brown right as hes about to kick it. Lif...

  • 美国概况人文知识8

    21-10-04 1. The Rocky Mountains is located in _____. A. Great Britain B. Australia C. South Africa D. North America 2. Hollywood, the centre of American movie industry, is closest to which city? A. Los Angles B. Chicago C. New York D. Washington 3. Which of...

  • game plan 策略、计划

    21-07-19 The game plan 的字面意思是游戏计划,它在日常对话中的使用频率很高,但在不同的语境中它可以表达不同的含义。比如,在商业场合中它可以指策略,在体育运动中可以指战术,而在朋友聚会时可能指稍后的安排或计划。 例句 A: So whats the game plan? Are you planning o...

  • ten out of ten 满分

    21-07-05 表达 ten out of ten 的意思是满分。我们用这个说法来赞扬或祝贺某人的工作做得很出色,可以打满分。 例句 Charlie was given ten out of ten for his music composition. 查理的音乐作曲得了满分。 I give this movie ten out of ten for special effects. 我给这部电...

  • wrap 杀青

    21-06-06 杀青本是古代制作竹简的程序之一。古时把书写在竹简上,为防虫蛀须先用火烤干水分,叫杀青(dry green bamboo strips on the fire before writing on them),后泛指写定著作(completion of a book manuscript)。 在现代汉语中,杀青一般指影视作品完成了前期的拍摄...

  • twist one's arm 说服、强迫或者向某人施加压力

    21-05-11 大家看到 twist ones arm第一反应是不是拧掉某人的手臂?千万不要理解错误哦,一起来学习一下这个俚语的真正含义吧~ 根据Free Dictionary的解释,twist ones arms是指说服、强迫或者向某人施加压力。 比如: I didnt want see that movie about Mozart, but my roommat...

  • 《阿凡达》中国重映后票房迅速破亿

    21-03-16 时隔11年,科幻大片《阿凡达》在中国重映,上映后票房迅速破亿,而且还让其再度成为全球票房冠军。据悉,《阿凡达》有四部续集,计划于明年上映的《阿凡达2》有望再创票房新纪录。 Blockbuster movie Avatar has retaken the highest-grossing film of all time spot t...

  • 2021三月上映的电影

    21-03-05 Raya and the Last Dragon 《寻龙传说》 Once upon a time, being a Disney princess meant being the damsel in distress in a European fairy tale. But theyre a more diverse and proactive bunch these days, as demonstrated by Raya and the Last Dragon, a car...

  • 2021年漫威电影宇宙第四阶段电影

    21-03-01 受疫情影响,备受瞩目的漫威电影宇宙第四阶段电影推迟到了2021年上映,不过好饭不怕晚,你喜欢的蜘蛛侠、黑寡妇和其他漫威超级英雄终将和你见面。 Black Widow (May 7) 《黑寡妇》(5月7日上映) The movie that was supposed to kick-start the MCUs Phase 4 is the f...

  • 科学依据要准确

    21-02-27 Sci-fi movies tend to capture childrens imaginations and have long been part of students excited chats in the schoolyard. But now a scientific journal has urged at least one sci-fi movie to be shown in class by science teachers. Scientific papers pu...