• 中国版圣诞老人风靡网络

    18-12-25 We wish you a merry Christmas with pictures of Elvis Tsui seems to be the latest trend among Chinese netizens during this years Christmas. 今年的圣诞节对中国网民来说,配图徐锦江的圣诞快乐似乎成为最新潮流。 Born in 1961, Hong Kong veteran actor Elvis...

  • 2019年值得期待的电影

    18-12-25 This year was a landmark year for movie fans, but next year will also be full of blockbusters and future classics. 今年对于影迷来说是具有里程碑意义的一年,但是明年仍然不乏大片。 The most anticipated movie for some is Brie Larsons launch into the Mar...

  • DC超级英雄电影《海王》中国热映

    18-12-10 Warner Bros. released its latest DC superhero movie Aquaman in China on Friday, two weeks before the action adventures premiere in North America. 华纳兄弟最新DC超级英雄《海王》上周五在中国上映,这比北美公映早两周。 On the first day, the movie took a...

  • 《猫和老鼠》将拍摄真人电影

    18-10-26 Tom and Jerry are ready to play cat and mouse once more. Warner Bros. are set to remake Tom and Jerry and Scooby Doo next year. 汤姆和杰瑞的猫鼠大战要重现江湖了。华纳电影公司将在明年翻拍《猫和老鼠》与《史酷比》电影。 Warner Bros. has big ambitions f...

  • 中国电影院换票和退票仍然很难

    18-09-26 China is home to the worlds second-largest film market, with this summers box office take reaching 17.4 billion yuan. But the countrys cinemas still have a long way to go when it comes to making life easy for customers to change tickets and apply fo...

  • 郭德纲《祖宗十九代》春节上映

    18-02-09 Well-known Chinese comedian Guo Degang will launch his directing debut, The Face of Gene, during the upcoming Spring Festival holiday. 中国著名戏剧演员郭德纲的导演处女作《祖宗十九代》将于春节假期与大家见面。 Guo, who has travelled extensively to ent...

  • 英作家石黑一雄获诺贝尔文学奖

    17-12-11 Author Kazuo Ishiguro has received the Nobel Prize in Literature at a ceremony in Stockholm. 作家石黑一雄在斯德哥尔摩一场仪式上获诺贝尔文学奖。 Ishiguro is best known for his book The Remains of the Day, which has also been turned into a popular mov...

  • fanfic 同人小说

    17-09-26 Fanfic refers to the plots and stories written by fans of a television show or movie. 同人小说指的是电视剧或电影的粉丝编写的情节或故事。 Fan fiction or fanfiction (also abbreviated to fan fic, fanfic or fic) is fiction about characters or settings f...

  • JK·罗琳被评2017全球收入最高作家

    17-08-06 Harry Potter creator JK Rowling has been named the worlds most highly paid author with earnings of 72m this year. 《哈利波特》作者JK罗琳被评为今年全球收入最高的作家,年收入7200万英镑。 Rowling beat the likes of Dan Brown, Stephen King and John Grish...

  • 《绣春刀2》7月19日上映

    17-07-17 If youre a fan of Chinas martial arts, then you shouldnt miss the upcoming Brotherhood of Blades movie. 如果你是一个中国武术迷,那么即将上映的《绣春刀2》你一定不能错过。 The action-packed sequel of 2014s Brotherhood of Blades (绣春刀) stars Chang Ch...