• One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 20

    22-10-17 PILAR TERNERA died in her wicker rocking chair during one night of festivities as she watched over the entrance to her paradise. In accordance with her last wishes she was not buried in a coffin but sitting in her rocker, which eight men lowered by...

  • 木兰辞 Ode of Mulan

    22-09-01 木兰辞 Ode of Mulan 翻译: Han H. Frankel 唧唧复唧唧,木兰当户织。 不闻机杼声,唯闻女叹息。 问女何所思?问女何所忆? 女亦无所思,女亦无所忆。 昨夜见军帖,可汗大点兵, 军书十二卷,卷卷有爷名。 阿爷无大儿,木兰无长兄, 愿为市鞍马,从此替爷征。 Tsiek t...

  • 世卫组织公开征集猴痘病毒新名称

    22-08-22 The World Health Organization says its holding an open forum to rename the disease monkeypox, after some critics raised concerns the name could be derogatory or have racist connotations. 世界卫生组织表示,正举行一个公开论坛来重新命名猴痘。此前一些批...

  • one's name is mud 失去信誉,名声扫地

    22-08-17 在中文里,name是名字;mud是泥巴。说一个人his name is mud可不是说他的名字叫泥巴,而是说此人失去信誉,名声扫地。 下面例子里的一位模范市民最近也遇到了麻烦。让我们听一听。 例句-1:I really admired the charity work of my neighbor. For years, she had rais...

  • 打开话匣子可能只需要一句话

    22-08-17 1. How are you doing today? 今天过得咋样? 简简单单的一句问候最是贴心,谁会拒绝一个笑脸相迎,嘘寒问暖的人呢? 2. Nice earrings! 耳环不错啊! 甭管是衣服、首饰、还是心情气色神马的,你都可以借来赞扬一番。 3. Oh, did you hear about 哦,你听说过吗? 想挑...

  • very的正确使用方式

    22-06-24 1.在只能做表语的形容词前不能用very,而要使用其他的词。 例如: (1)Its well worth trying.(不能说very worth)这很值得一试。 (2)Im wide awake.(不能说very awake)我是完全清醒的。 (3)Shes fast asleep.(不能说very asleep)她睡得很熟。 (4)We are much beholden t...

  • 用英语和新同学们愉快地交谈

    22-02-28 This is a beautiful campus, isnt it? 这个校园真美不是吗? Where is the campus cafeteria? 校园的食堂在哪里? Do you know where the library is? 你知道图书馆在哪儿吗? Is there a drug store nearby? 附近有药店吗? May I have your name? 请问你叫什么名字...

  • pet name 爱称、昵称

    22-02-15 有一个朋友和歪果仁聊天的时候,歪果仁问他: Do you have a pet name? 呃pet name乍一听这不是宠物名吗?这位朋友正好养了条柯基,于是他不假思索地告诉这个歪果仁: It is Wangcai. 于是他悲剧了,之后每次这个歪果仁看见他都十分高兴地叫他旺财。 关于pet name这个...

  • “阿奇”入围最热门男孩名榜单前十

    21-12-01 英格兰和威尔士 2020 年的官方出生数据显示,与母亲在 35 岁及以上的宝宝相比,更年轻母亲的宝宝名字更新潮,也更简短。 Oliver has been the most popular name for boys for eight years in a row, and its the fifth successive year that Olivia has topped the gi...

  • go by 被叫做,人们常叫我……

    21-11-01 在课堂自我介绍时,有时会说中文名,然后英文名。Instead of saying My Chinese name is xxx, and my English name is xxx.,你可以这样说: My name is xxx (中文名), and I go by xxx (英文名). Go by即被叫做,人们常叫我,例如: Our friend William often goes by...